Hisense South Africa fait don d’un échographe HD60 au Peninsular Maternity Trust pour la maternité de Mowbray

LE CAP, Afrique du Sud, le 6 août 2022 /PRNewswire/ — À l’occasion d’une cérémonie de donation le 28 juillet, Hisense, fabricant et fournisseur d’appareils électroniques et médicaux à haute performance, a offert un appareil d’échographie haute résolution de pointe, l’échographe Hisense HD60, au Peninsula Maternity Trust pour la maternité de Mowbray pour annoncer sa collaboration et sa contribution à la maternité de Mowbray et au département de la santé du Cap-Occidental.

La maternité de Mowbray, située au Cap, est la plus grande maternité d’Afrique du Sud spécialisée dans les soins aux femmes présentant des grossesses à haut risque. Le professeur Ntusi, qui est président et médecin-chef à l’université du Cap (UCT) et au Groote Schuur Hospital, a gravi le Kilimandjaro en décembre dernier pour recueillir des fonds afin d’acheter un nouvel échographe pour le service d’anesthésie de l’hôpital.

Hisense South Africa a fait don d’un échographe HD60 en réponse aux efforts du Professeur Ntusi.  La réception de cet appareil d’échographie de pointe doté de capacités de diagnostic améliorées fonctionnant grâce à l’IA intégrée relèvera le niveau de soins de la maternité de Mowbray et offrira de meilleures chances aux femmes à risque tout en stimulant le moral du personnel.

« Nous sommes très fiers de pouvoir faire don de cette machine à la maternité de Mowbray et au département de la santé du Cap-Occidental ; nous espérons et souhaitons que cela changera la vie des communautés environnantes en améliorant les capacités technologiques et médicales de l’hôpital tout en offrant aux professionnels de santé une innovation technologique de qualité et un soutien qui facilitera un peu leur vie professionnelle », a déclaré Ronele Prince,  responsable des ventes médicales chez Hisense.

Hisense a conçu l’échographe HD60 pour offrir aux médecins une imagerie plus claire et à plus haute résolution affichée sur son écran de diagnostic 21,4″.  L’appareil est livré avec une variété de sondes échographiques, ce qui le rend bien adapté pour répondre à plusieurs besoins de l’hôpital en matière d’anesthésie, d’obstétrique, de gynécologie et d’interventions cardiovasculaires.

L’échographe Hisense HD60 a été utilisé dans plus de 30 hôpitaux à travers la Chine, aidant à diagnostiquer plus de 50 000 cas. Pour son échographe HD60, Hisense a obtenu le marquage CE pour les dispositifs médicaux en décembre 2021 et la licence SAHPRA en Afrique du Sud en janvier 2022.  En avril de cette année, Hisense a obtenu sa première commande de six échographes HD60 en Afrique du Sud, une étape importante pour devenir une marque de renommée internationale dans l’industrie de l’équipement médical.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1872546/image_5020023_41497144.jpg

Countries approve resolution to support access to monkeypox vaccine in the Americas

As monkeypox cases continue to rise in several countries of the Americas, Member States of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) today held a Special Session of the Directing Council to consider a Resolution to address the outbreak, including supporting equitable access to vaccines for at-risk populations in the region.

On 23 July 2022, the Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak, which began in mid-May and has affected 89 countries across all six WHO regions, a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

Over 10,000 monkeypox infections have been reported by 24 countries of the Americas since the start of the outbreak. This accounts for 38% of global cases.

“The PHEIC declaration came with detailed recommendations for both countries and territories who haven’t detected any cases as well as for those who already have imported cases or transmission in their communities,” said PAHO Director, Carissa Etienne.

“We believe that when the recommended measures are appropriately implemented, we can stop transmission of the monkeypox virus.”

These recommendations, which PAHO is working with Member States to implement, include communication and engagement with affected communities, early detection and surveillance, treatment and isolation of patients, and contact tracing.

However, “post- or pre-exposure vaccination might need to complement the other measures,” the Director added.

During the session, Dr. Etienne noted that there is currently only one third-generation vaccine for monkeypox, which is produced by just one manufacturer.

While supplies of this vaccine are extremely limited, PAHO has engaged in early negotiations with its manufacturer.

In light of this, the Resolution adopted requests PAHO’s Director to facilitate a coordinated response and take steps to support Member States in obtaining access to this vaccine through the PAHO Revolving Fund. It also requests that countries of the Region of the Americas continue to recognize PAHO and its Revolving Fund as the strategic regional technical mechanism most suitable for providing equitable access to this vaccine and others.

The recommendations of PAHO’s Technical Advisory Group on Vaccine Preventable Diseases, as well as those of the Emergency Committee of the International Health Regulations, convened by the World Health Organization (WHO), stipulate that countries should prioritize vaccines for specific groups, such as close contacts of a confirmed monkeypox case, in order to maximize impact considering the limited vaccine supply.

Monkeypox disease Monkeypox is a viral zoonotic disease caused by the monkeypox virus. Symptoms include fever, intense headache, swollen lymph nodes, muscle ache, and a rash that blisters and crusts. The rash tends to be concentrated on the face, palms of the hands and soles of the feet. The mouth, genitals, and eyes may also be affected.

The symptoms can be mild or severe, and generally last for several weeks during which time a person can be infectious to others. Most people recover within a few weeks without treatment.

Monkeypox disease is reported regularly in nine countries of Central and West Africa since it was first recognized in 1958 in the Democratic Republic of Congo. However, since mid-May 2022, an increasing number of monkeypox cases have been reported first in multiple countries in Europe and later in other regions, including the Americas.

As of 5 August 2022, 37,360 probable and laboratory-confirmed cases were reported to the WHO from 89 countries across all six WHO regions.

Note to journalists: With updated number of cases as of 7:30 pm EDT, August 5.

Source: Pan American Health Organization

US Announces Another $150 Million for Africa Food Crisis


U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield on Friday announced a $150 million package for Africa to help address food and humanitarian crises.

Speaking before a gathering of over 500 participants at the University of Ghana in Accra, Thomas-Greenfield said the world is facing unprecedented food crises, requiring what she termed an “unprecedented global response.”

“For our part, the United States is committed to this work. … But more funding is needed to address food security and to address crises that compound food security, like refugees and internally displaced people,” she said. “I am proud to announce nearly $150 million in new, additional humanitarian funding and development assistance, pending Congressional approval, for Africa.”

She said the new package, if approved by Congress, will increase U.S. humanitarian assistance to Africa to $6.6 billion since the beginning of this year.

The ambassador says worldwide food prices are 23% higher than a year ago, partly a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – the two countries combined provide over 40% of Africa’s wheat supply.

Thomas-Greenfield said the new U.S. funding will expand investments in fertilizer, grains and other crops in Africa to meet “the goal of increasing resilience to future shocks.”

It includes $2.5 million in new development assistance for Ghana and $20 million for Uganda, where Thomas-Greenfield stopped before visiting the West African country.

She said the new funding includes more than $127 million in additional humanitarian assistance for Africa to provide “lifesaving support to refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced persons, stateless persons and persecuted people across Africa.”

Condemning the war in Ukraine, she said the U.N. Security Council must be proactive to prevent food from being used as a weapon of war.

“The world needs to see how food insecurity increases the risk of conflict. And the Security Council needs to do a better job of stopping food from being used as a weapon of war,” she said.

Thomas-Greenfield said Africa has the potential to become its own breadbasket and must take advantage of the current situation to forge partnerships with civil society and the private sector to build the food systems and structures of the future.

Source: Voice of America