Envision Energy obtient un contrat d’éoliennes de 2000 MW en Inde

DELHI, Inde, 28 avril 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Envision Energy a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’elle a obtenu une commande d’éoliennes de 2000 MW en Inde. Les 596 éoliennes, toutes fabriquées dans l’usine d’Envision en Inde, seront livrées d’ici la fin de 2023.

Envision fournira et mettra en service ses éoliennes EN156/3.3 à la pointe de la technologie pour ces projets. La EN 156/3.3 possède un rotor de 156 m, le plus grand du pays. Ce rotor est couplé à un générateur de 3,3 MW et à une hauteur de moyeu de 140 m. Cette conception est particulièrement adaptée pour maximiser l’énergie produite à partir des régimes de vents faibles qui prédominent dans le pays.

Envision a investi 25 millions de dollars américains pour établir son usine d’assemblage de nacelles et de moyeux d’une capacité de 1200 MW à Pune en 2018. Pour répondre aux demandes accrues du marché, Envision va monter en puissance pour doubler sa capacité actuelle. Envision construit également une usine de pales en Inde, qui devrait être achevée au premier trimestre 2023.

Les projets existants d’Envision en Inde, le parc éolien de 198 MW de Khagashree et le parc éolien de 35 MW de Kagvard équipés d’éoliennes EN- 131/2,5MW, sont en service depuis mai et octobre 2019 respectivement. Jusqu’à présent, ces projets ont généré plus de 1,76 milliard de kWh d’énergie propre pour la région.

« La société Envision India est fière de contribuer à l’engagement de l’Inde à atteindre 500 GW et 50 % des besoins énergétiques à partir de sources d’énergie renouvelables d’ici 2030. Grâce à la croissance de nos activités dans le domaine de l’éolien et du stockage de l’énergie, nous prévoyons de recruter plus de 300 employés localement pour répondre aux besoins croissants du pays ainsi qu’aux nouveaux marchés de la région Asie-Pacifique » a déclaré R P V Prasad, responsable de la région Inde.

Selon Kane Xu, directeur général d’Envision India et vice-président mondial, « Nous sommes ravis de la confiance que nous accorde notre partenaire en Inde, et nous sommes fiers de continuer à fournir nos meilleures solutions en Inde. En tant qu’expert dans l’utilisation des technologies numériques, nous sommes en mesure de maximiser l’efficacité, de réduire les coûts et d’innover rapidement pour mieux servir nos clients. Outre l’énergie éolienne, nous apportons également à nos clients nos solutions de stockage d’énergie, nos solutions numériques et d’autres solutions net-zéro, afin de contribuer à accélérer la transition énergétique, à l’échelle mondiale. »

À propos d’Envision Group

Envision Group est une entreprise internationale de premier plan dans le domaine des technologies vertes et un partenaire technologique zéro émission. Avec la mission de « résoudre les défis pour un avenir durable de l’humanité ». Envision conçoit, vend et exploite des éoliennes et un système de stockage intelligents par le biais d’Envision Energy ; des batteries alimentées par l’AIoT par le biais d’Envision AESC ; et le plus grand système d’exploitation AIoT au monde par le biais d’Envision Digital. Elle est également propriétaire de l’équipe de Formule E Envision Racing. Envision continue de promouvoir l’énergie éolienne et solaire comme le « nouveau charbon », les batteries et l’hydrogène combustible comme le « nouveau pétrole », le réseau AIoT comme le « nouveau réseau », les parcs industriels zéro émission comme la « nouvelle infrastructure », et de promouvoir la construction et la culture de la « nouvelle industrie » verte.

La société Envision Group a été classée dans le Top 10 des 50 entreprises les plus intelligentes du monde en 2019 par le MIT Technology Review. En octobre 2021, Envision a été classée deuxième au monde sur la liste Fortune « Change the World ». Envision Group a rejoint l’initiative mondiale « RE100 » et est devenu la première entreprise de Chine continentale à s’engager à produire 100 % d’électricité renouvelable d’ici 2025. Le 22 avril 2021, Envision Group a annoncé sa volonté d’atteindre la neutralité carbone dans ses opérations d’ici 2022 et d’atteindre la neutralité carbone dans l’ensemble de sa chaîne de valeur d’ici 2028.

Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur www.envision-group.com

Contact pour les médias : Jessica Koerner, jessica.koerner@envision-energy.com

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Finbots.AI Raises USD 3 Million from Accel in Series A Round

SINGAPORE, April 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Finbots.AI, an AI-envisioned firm bringing innovation to banks and financial institutions, today announced it has raised USD 3 million in a Series A round from Accel. This investment is from Accel’s Fund VII, and is the first external investment for Finbots.AI. The funds will be used towards accelerating product enhancement, marketing and sales, and customer support besides recruiting of senior talent and team expansion across its offices. India drives all of the global development and support for Finbots.AI, with its corporate headquarters in Singapore and a regional head office in Dubai.

Commenting on the successful Series A fundraise, Sanjay Uppal, Founder and CEO of Finbots.AI, said, “This new funding unlocks the next phase of growth for Finbots.AI. Financial institutions today need pathbreaking solutions to solve their complex challenges brought by legacy platforms. Tapping on AI-enabled solutions can help them transform exponentially. We are thrilled to have Accel as a partner in this journey, further cementing the potential and trust in our solution. Accel’s impressive track record with growth stage companies will be a key support for Finbots.AI. We have an enormous growth potential and I am excited for our journey to transforming financial services.”

Since its inception in 2017, Finbots.AI identified an opportunity to use AI-powered solutions to aid banks and financial institutions to overcome industry challenges. ZScore is a full-scale AI-driven credit scorecard system for lending institutions that spans the entire credit lifecycle. Equipped with an intuitive user interface and robust scorecard development capabilities, ZScore rapidly develops higher accuracy credit scorecards by using advanced Machine Learning algorithms that utilise historical traditional and alternate data to automatically build, validate, and deploy real-time, high-performing risk models.

Mahendran Balachandran, Partner at Accel, shared, “The Finbots.AI team brings decades of collective experience in financial services and technology, and we see great potential and promise in their solution – ZScore – as it strives to remedy and bridge the limitations of legacy credit systems. We, at Accel, are delighted to be a part of Finbot.AI’s growth as they propel forward to enhance financial services by leveraging AI technology to serve the entire community – ranging from the large banks to the small lenders. We see massive potential in this region and FinTech as a vertical.”


La plus grande plateforme de sports de fantaisie au monde a annoncé l’expansion récente de son partenariat avec Volt Active Data sur la lancée d’un succès mesurable.

BEDFORD, Massachusetts, 28 avril 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Volt Active Data, la seule plateforme de données d’entreprise conçue pour répondre aux exigences en temps réel des sociétés de jeux de grande envergure et des sociétés de technologie à fortes transactions actuelles, a annoncé aujourd’hui que Dream11, la plus grande plateforme de sports fictifs du monde, a étendu son contrat avec Volt.

Volt Active Data Logo

Dream11 compte plus de 130 millions d’utilisateurs actifs et est déjà prête à gérer en production plus de 10 millions d’utilisateurs simultanés aux heures de pointe. Dream11 a initialement commencé avec Volt lors de la saison 2018 de l’IPL, et après avoir constaté le succès de la technologie (en partie grâce à la faible latence, au débit élevé et à l’assurance de disponibilité que fournit la plateforme Volt), elle a décidé d’approfondir sa relation avec Volt et d’élargir son utilisation de la plateforme Volt Active Data.

« C’est une situation gagnant-gagnant pour Dream11 et Volt », a déclaré David Flower, PDG de Volt Active Data. « L’expansion représente non seulement une autre validation de la plateforme Volt Active Data en tant que leader de la technologie des données en temps réel, mais elle change également la donne pour Dream11, car cela va essentiellement assurer l’avenir de leur plateforme pour la croissance explosive qu’ils connaissent et continueront de connaître ».

Volt fournit la précision, la fiabilité et les performances exigées par les millions de fans de sport qui cherchent à participer à des concours fantaisistes pendant l’IPL. Que ce soit entre amis ou parmi un million d’autres fans en compétition pour montrer leurs compétences et leurs connaissances du cricket, la faible latence de Volt, même en cas d’énormes pics de trafic (juste après le lancement du jeu), permet à Dream11 d’offrir la meilleure expérience de fantaisie aux fans et de devenir le choix numéro un en Inde pour les sports de fantaisie.

« La saison 2022 de l’IPL promettant d’établir de nouveaux records dans tous les domaines, nous savions que c’était le moment idéal pour intensifier notre relation stratégique avec l’équipe de Volt Active Data », a déclaré Amit Sharma, directeur technique de Dream11. « Chez Dream11, une excellente expérience utilisateur, une approche axée sur les données et une technologie de pointe sont toujours au cœur de nos préoccupations. Le défi du modèle de données auquel nous sommes confrontés pendant l’IPL est très nuancé et Volt est la seule plateforme que nous avons trouvée qui peut nous aider à surmonter ces défis techniques ».

À propos de Volt Active Data

Volt Active Data permet aux applications d’entreprise d’ingérer, de traiter et d’agir sur les données en quelques millisecondes pour exploiter de nouvelles sources de revenus et prévenir les pertes de revenus. Avec des clients de premier plan dans les télécommunications, la finance, les jeux et bien d’autres secteurs verticaux, la plateforme Volt est positionnée de manière unique pour être la technologie de référence de toute entreprise cherchant à tirer pleinement parti de la 5G, de l’IoT et de tout ce qui suivra. En savoir plus sur voltactivedata.com.

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1805076/Volt_Active_Data_Logo.jpg

UNHCR, States vow to step up support for solutions for those displaced by Central African crises [EN/AR]

YAOUNDE – A new declaration calling for more concerted action to help nearly 1.4 million displaced Central Africans has been signed after a key regional conference organized by the Government of Cameroon and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency.

Speaking at the three-day ministerial conference in Yaounde, which ended Wednesday, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said the aim of the conference was “to create a positive regional dynamic in the search for solutions for Central Africans refugees.”

“This must be done in a large alliance of governments, aid communities, businesses, development actors, civil society, private sector groups and, crucially, the refugees themselves, in particular women,” he added.

The Yaounde Declaration marks the first step towards the establishment of a regional coordination mechanism for advancing solutions to one of Africa’s largest displacement crises.

Since 2013, the CAR has experienced successive crises affecting six neighboring countries that today host around 700,000 refugees. Cameroon has received the largest number of refugees (345,000), followed by the Democratic Republic of the Congo (212,000), the Republic of Chad (119,000), the Republic of Congo (29,000), Sudan (28,000) and South Sudan (2,500).

Speaking of the challenges of hosting large numbers of refugees, Prime Minister Joseph Dion Ngute of Cameroon said that despite the efforts States were making, the economic context was difficult. Hence, “the necessity to pool efforts in a framework of a regional approach to define global and concerted solutions to obtain better results.”

The parties to the Declaration agreed to “establish a regional cooperation framework to strengthen protection and the search for solutions for persons forcibly displaced by the Central African crisis with the support of the international community.”

In reference to the 2019 peace accord and the recommendations of the March 2022 Republican Dialogue, in which refugees and internally displaced people participated, the signatories of the Declaration further committed to “support the ongoing reconciliation process in the Central African Republic and urge for the effective participation of forcibly displaced persons and returnees.”

Represented by Ministers and senior government officials, the countries of asylum committed to enhancing refugee protection and promoting their socio-economic inclusion while they wait for conditions to improve so that they can return home.

These solutions include the removal of legal barriers to employment opportunities, training, and access to social services. In the declaration, the signatories agreed to integrate refugees in national registration systems, “facilitate the issuance of civil documentation and to ensure their recognition by public and private services and financial institutions.”

Despite the challenges, opportunities for return exist. Over 100,000 Central African refugees have already returned home spontaneously, while between 2017 and 2021, UNHCR facilitated the voluntary repatriation of 27,000 refugees. In addition, 60,000 internally displaced people have also been able to return.

However, as these efforts have occurred in isolation, the Conference agreed to establish a coordination mechanism for solutions with support from UNHCR, which has three such regional instruments in place: for the Afghan crisis; in Central America and Mexico; and in the East and Horn of Africa.

Virginie Baikoua, CAR’s Minister for Humanitarian Action, thanked partners for their support and reassured them of her country’s determination to restore peace and stability. Organized under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Cameroon, the Regional Ministerial Conference on Solutions in the Context of Forced Displacement Related to the Central African Crisis brought together 300 participants: donors, the UN, development and humanitarian partners, the private sector, as well as refugees. Representatives from the European Union and the Economic Community of Central African States indicated their support.

Before attending the conference, Grandi met Central African refugees in Yaounde, who welcomed the focus on their situation. A community leader told him that the refugees want to be considered as development facilitators, not a burden.

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

Governance and Peacebuilding Framework for Africa 2022-2025

The overall goal of the Framework is to achieve transformative change characterized by peoplecentred, human rights based inclusive and participatory governance and peacebuilding systems and strengthened trust and social contract between state and citizens that will contribute to change Africa’s narrative to one of promise, and to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) and Agenda 2063.

The renewed framework will support implementation of the Regional Programme for Africa within the following Regional Programme priority areas:

Priority Area 1 – People: African citizens (especially women and youth), in a context of reinvigorated social contracts, have a stronger voice and influence in AU and RECs’/RMs’ policymaking and implementation processes.

Priority Area 2 – Prosperity: African citizens (especially women and youth) benefit from a regionally integrated, structurally transformed, and inclusive economy

Priority Area 4 – Peace: African citizens (especially women and youth), supported by the AU and RECs/RMs, make measurable progress towards sustainable peace.

The Framework takes a regional approach, while providing tools for adaptive responses to governance and peacebuilding at the country level. The Framework takes a flexible, adaptable and fully integrated portfolio and systems approach to its implementation, leveraging opportunities, partnerships and capacities across the Regional Service Centre for Africa (RSCA) while harnessing advisory assets within RBA. Based on context analysis, review and evaluation of regional and national projects, including an extensive consultative process reaching 1,285 people through UNDP’s Reimagining Governance and Peacebuilding, it focuses on the implementation of six key pillars through an integrated systems approach: prevention and early action; investing in Africa’s youth; economic governance; democratic governance and civic participation; promoting the rule of law, justice and human rights; and, local governance and delivery of public services.

Source: UN Development Programme

Protection, saving lives, & solutions for refugees in dangerous journeys: Routes towards the Western & Central Mediterranean Sea (April 2022)

As Africa and Europe consolidate their renewed partnership, UNHCR will work to support their “Joint Vision” on migration and mobility to address root causes in countries of origin and asylum; to enable states to regulate asylum and protection in accordance with international law; to save lives; to address grave and systematic violations of human rights of people on the move; and to enable sustainable solutions.

UNHCR will seek to mobilize support for these priorities through the Khartoum and Rabat Processes under the Joint Valetta Action Plan, and the AU-EU-UN Tripartite Task Force on Libya, guided by the Global Compact for Refugees and its Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF). UNHCR will also draw inspiration from inter alia, the Final Recommendations on International Protection in Mixed Movements in the Central Mediterranean of June 2021 by North African and the League of Arab States in Sharm El Sheikh,4 the Comprehensive Solutions Strategy for Sudan and South Sudan,5 the Roadmap for Comprehensive Solutions for Ivorian Refugees,6 the Reaffirmation of the Commitments of the Abuja Action Statement and their Implementation,7 and the Conclusion of the Bamako Dialogue on Protection and Solutions.8 UNHCR will also seek out routes-based partnerships through the Cities #With Refugees initiative, in common efforts on protection and solutions.

The number of victims who died, were reported missing, or who endured unspeakable violations of their human rights in 2021 bears witness to this very public and sustained tragedy, with no end in sight. Public attention remains fixated on mixed movements by land from south to north, across the Sahara Desert to and through North Africa and on the more mediatized sea movements to Italy, Malta, and Spain, all producing a devastating human toll.9 Much less attention was paid, and research done on the equally important south-to-south mixed movements, which present similar protection risks. And with rapidly increasing numbers of IDPs in the Sahel, there is an urgent need to understand whether this group will also embark on to dangerous onward movements in the absence of solutions where they are.

In 2021, 1,153 refugees and migrants were reported dead or gone missing on the Northwest African maritime route to the Canary Islands, and 1,924 along the Western and Central Mediterranean routes.10 Many crossings took place in packed, unseaworthy inflatable boats, which often capsized or deflated, leading to the loss of life.11 The sea journey from West African coastal states such as Senegal and Mauritania to the Canary Islands is long and perilous and can take up to 10 days. Many boats have drifted off course or otherwise gone missing without a trace in these waters.12 It is estimated the majority of those lost at sea crossing from Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco to Spain, Italy, and Malta, were nationals of North African countries, with many others from West and East Africa. Some 6% of arrivals to Europe through Mediterranean routes were from Bangladesh.13 However, accurate data on deaths and missing are difficult to access and data collection and sharing of incidents at sea remain incomplete for these maritime routes.

Even greater numbers may have died along land routes through the Sahara Desert and remote border areas, in detention centres, or while in the captivity of smugglers or traffickers. A joint report by UNHCR and the Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) published in 2020 indicated that some 1,750 people may have died along the land routes to and through Libya and Egypt between 2018 and 2019, an average of at least 72 deaths a month.14 No such route-based study was possible in 2021 due to the pandemic, but partial information from the West and North African maritime route and the Central Mediterranean suggest that land routes continued to be equally dangerous during 2021.15 Various media documented incidents of death en route in the desert along mixed movements routes or stranded in places with no adequate shelter in 2021.16 Refugees and migrants also continued to share such incidents they had personally witnessed.

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees