NBA Playoffs: Potential Family Feud

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Prime Time Sports Talk

One week into the playoffs will have fans doing their research on all the teams and rosters. They’re daydreaming and looking at future opponents in a “what if my squad makes it all the way to the Finals” type of scenario. As they are doing this, they’ll probably realize that some players out there have the same last name. Are they members of the same family? “Yes” would be the unsurprising answer. If the basketball gods want to have fun, they could easily do everything in their power to make sure that at least one NBA player will be going head-to-head against a family member. There are at leas… Continue reading “NBA Playoffs: Potential Family Feud”

Dual Miners change le jeu du minage de cryptomonnaies


High Hash Rate

HELSINKI, Finlande, 22 avr. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dual Miners s’est récemment distinguée en devenant la première société à introduire une gamme extraordinaire de plateformes de minage de cryptomonnaies endothermiques. Une équipe d’investisseurs s’emploie à rendre le minage de cryptomonnaies simple et rentable. D’autres ont soutenu que le minage de cryptomonnaies devient de plus en plus difficile, cependant une nouvelle annonce de Dual Miners vient contrecarrer cette idée. En effet, la société lance actuellement dans le monde entier, le premier matériel de double minage au monde, utilisant à la fois SHA-256 et Scrypt pour le minage.

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter le site ( De plus, le matériel de double minage peut être configuré pour gérer les transactions pour d’autres cryptomonnaies qui utilisent les algorithmes de hachage SHA-256 ou Scrypt.

Grâce à une conception matérielle innovante, la puce de minage de Dual Miner, FM9800-XD112, atteint des taux de hachage élevés tout en consommant le moins d’énergie possible. Elles sont fournies avec un contrôleur intégré ainsi que des logiciels déjà installés. Après une longue période de tests comprenant l’évaluation, le prototypage et les tests de pression dans des conditions extrêmes, les produits matériels DualPro et DualPro Max de Dual Miner, ainsi que les produits matériels DualPremium, sont désormais prêts à être mis en production à grande échelle.

Les avantages de l’utilisation de Dual Miners
Quels sont les avantages à utiliser le système Dual Miners Enhance Energy Saver par rapport aux autres systèmes ? Selon les inventeurs de la solution, chaque machine sera équipée d’un système de refroidissement, d’une puce avancée de 7 nanomètres, d’un mécanisme avancé de réduction du bruit, d’une humidité de fonctionnement régulée avec une alimentation électrique, ainsi que d’une connexion réseau sans fil (Wi-Fi) ou d’une connexion Ethernet. En utilisant un court délai, les utilisateurs peuvent miner une variété de cryptomonnaies, y compris le Bitcoin (BTC), le Litecoin (LTC), le Monero (XMR), l’Ethereum (ETH) et un certain nombre d’autres cryptomonnaies, grâce à l’algorithme associé au système, qui intègre des technologies logicielles et matérielles mondialement reconnues.

L’équipe de Dual Miner se compose de professionnels chevronnés
Dual Miners est une société de conception et de fabrication de puces ayant son siège social à Londres, au Royaume-Uni. Elle dispose d’un certain nombre d’équipes ayant une expertise approfondie de la technologie blockchain et de la conception technologique.

La société, qui possède des bureaux sur trois continents, fournit des services de développement de portefeuilles cryptomonnaies, ainsi que des unités de traitement graphique aux clients. Elle possède également une vaste expérience dans les domaines du développement de blockchain et des solutions de minage du Bitcoin, entre autres.

Grâce à sa vaste expérience dans le secteur de la blockchain, Dual Miners est un nom réputé dans le domaine. C’est grâce à cette expérience qu’elle a été approuvée par des entreprises telles que Kraken, ASG Expertise et FIS International. Dual Miners utilise une fois de plus ses connaissances antérieures pour fournir des solutions innovantes aux consommateurs de cryptomonnaies.

La tarification et la disponibilité sont des considérations importantes
Dual Miners couvrira les frais de livraison ainsi que les frais de douane, laissant au consommateur le soin de payer uniquement l’unité et de recevoir tout ce dont il a besoin pour commencer sans frais supplémentaires. Les consommateurs sont désormais conscients que nos concurrents ont été vaincus. » Ils sont incapables d’obtenir notre électricité ou de profiter de nos dépenses d’électricité incroyablement faibles. Malgré notre taille modeste, nous disposons d’énormes capacités de minage ; le DualPremium génère en moyenne 60 TH/s pour le Bitcoin et 2,1 GH/s pour le Litecoin. Selon Michael Scott, directeur des opérations et directeur de l’exploitation de Dual Miners, « C’est le meilleur investissement disponible sur le marché ».

À propos de Dual Miners
Fondée en 2015, Dual miners, décrite comme la première société de minage double au monde, a été fondée en 2015 dans le but de développer et de vendre les principaux mineurs de cryptomonnaies qui utilisent respectivement la technologie SHA-256 ou Scrypt. Avec le DualPro, notre objectif était de fournir plus de puissance à un coût inférieur à celui qui était auparavant disponible. Le siège social de Dual Miners se trouve à Londres, au Royaume-Uni, et la société possède des bureaux dans le monde entier. Pour de plus amples informations, visitez le site

Michael Scott

(+358) 41 4001034

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué de presse est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

A Dual Miners está a revolucionar o setor da mineração de criptomoedas


High Hash Rate

HELSÍNQUIA, Finlândia, April 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Dual Miners recebeu recentemente a distinção de se tornar na primeira empresa de sempre a apresentar uma gama extraordinária de plataformas de mineração de criptomoedas. Uma equipa de investidores está a trabalhar no sentido de tornar a mineração de criptomoedas num processo simples e rentável. Outros defenderam que a mineração de criptomoedas está a ficar cada vez mais difícil, mas um novo anúncio informou que a Dual Miners está atualmente a disponibilizar ao mundo inteiro o primeiro hardware de dupla mineração do mundo, que utiliza as tecnologias SHA-256 e Scrypt em simultâneo para minerar.

Para mais informações, visite ( Além disso, os mineradores duplos podem ser configurados para processar transações noutras criptomoedas que utilizem os algoritmos de indexação SHA-256 ou Scrypt.

Devido ao inovador design de hardware, o chip de mineração da Dual Miners, o FM9800-XD112, obtém taxas elevadas de indexação enquanto consome o mínimo de energia possível. Vem com um controlador integrado, bem como com software já instalado. Após um extenso período de testes que incluíram avaliação, prototipagem e testes de pressão em condições extremas, os produtos de hardware DualPro e DualPro Max, assim como os produtos de hardware DualPremium da Dual Miners, estão agora preparados para produção em larga escala.

Benefícios da utilização da Dual Miners
Quais são as vantagens em relação a outros sistemas de utilizar o sistema de poupança de energia Enhance Energy Saver da Dual Miners? De acordo com os inventores da solução, cada máquina estará equipada com um sistema de arrefecimento, um chip de 7 nanómetros, um mecanismo de redução de ruído, um regulador da humidade operacional com uma fonte de alimentação e uma ligação à rede sem fios (Wi-Fi) ou uma ligação Ethernet. Com um pequeno atraso, os utilizadores podem minerar Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Monero (XMR), Ethereum (ETH) e diversas outras criptomoedas graças ao algoritmo associado ao sistema, o qual engloba tecnologias de hardware e software conhecidas globalmente.

A equipa da Dual Miners é composta por profissionais experientes
A Dual Miners é uma empresa de design e fabrico de chips com sede em Londres, no Reino Unido. Tem diversas equipas com um conhecimento profundo da tecnologia de cadeias de blocos e de design tecnológico.

A empresa, que tem escritórios em três continentes, presta serviços aos clientes de desenvolvimento de carteiras de criptomoedas, bem como de unidades de processamento de gráficos. Possui também imensa experiência nos campos do desenvolvimento de cadeias de blocos e de soluções de mineração de Bitcoins, entre outras coisas.

Devido à sua enorme experiência no negócio das cadeias de blocos, a Dual Miners tem um nome conceituado no setor. Foi como resultado desta experiência que foi confirmada por empresas, tais como a Kraken, a ASG Expertise e a FIS International. A Dual Miners está novamente a dar bom uso a todo o seu conhecimento anterior no sentido de proporcionar soluções inovadoras aos consumidores de criptomoedas.

O preço e a disponibilidade são considerações importantes
A Dual Miners irá suportar a taxa de entrega, bem como a taxa alfandegária, deixando o consumidor pagar apenas a unidade e receber tudo o que precisa para começar sem taxas adicionais. “Os consumidores têm agora consciência de que os nossos concorrentes foram derrotados. Eles não conseguem obter a nossa potência nem tirar partido das nossas despesas de eletricidade incrivelmente baixas. Apesar da nossa pequena dimensão, temos um enorme poder de mineração; o DualPremium gera 60 TH/s para Bitcoin e 2,1 GH/s para Litecoin, respetivamente. É o melhor investimento disponível no mercado,” afirma Michael Scott, Diretor Operacional e Diretor de Operações da Dual Miners.

Sobre a Dual Miners
Fundada em 2015, a Dual Miners, descrita como a primeira empresa de dupla mineração do mundo, foi criada para desenvolver e vender os primeiros e principais mineradores duplos de criptomoedas do mundo utilizando a tecnologia SHA-256 ou Scrypt. O nosso objetivo, que começou com o DualPro, era fornecer mais potência a um custo menor do que estava anteriormente disponível. A Dual Miners tem sede em Londres, no Reino Unido, tendo a empresa escritórios em todo o mundo. Pode encontrar mais informações em

Michael Scott

(+358) 41 4001034

Foto deste comunicado disponível em

African Consultative Group Meeting: Statement by the Chairman of the African Caucus and the Managing Director of the IMF

Washington, DC: Moroccan Minister of Economy and Finance Ms. Nadia Fettah, Chair of the African Caucus, and Ms. Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), co-chaired the African Consultative Group meeting on Thursday, April 21, 2022.1 They issued the following statement after the conclusion of the Group’s meeting in Washington D.C.:

“Our discussions on Africa’s challenges and prospects for recovery have been very fruitful. Today the green shoots of the recovery that started in 2021 are threatened by the war in Ukraine at a time when the war on COVID-19 is still not over.

“Vaccination rates on the continent remain low and uneven, although some progress has been made in recent months. At 13.2 percent of its population, sub-Saharan Africa remains the region with the lowest vaccination rates in the world, and at 28.1 percent, North Africa’s average rate is also still below the world average.

“The surge in commodity prices triggered by the war in Ukraine has destabilized global commodity markets, exacerbating both inflationary pressures and food security concerns, especially for the most vulnerable who are already scarred by the pandemic. Several countries in North Africa and the Sahel are among the most vulnerable in the world to price increases or shortages of wheat since they are highly dependent on imports from Russia and Ukraine.

“Although the continent’s fuel and commodity exporters will experience a windfall gain, the positive fiscal impact could be largely offset by additional energy and food subsidies. In contrast, high food and energy prices are straining commodity importers’ external and fiscal balances. Capital flows are also likely to be disrupted.

“We agreed that the top priority must be to protect the most vulnerable households from the impact of high food and energy prices. But the external shock is hitting the continent at a time when most countries have limited fiscal space, with high debt vulnerabilities and increased risks. In this challenging context, targeted, temporary, and transparent support to vulnerable households using and further developing social safety nets would be the most appropriate solution.

“For this effort to succeed, governments in the region, the international community, and the private sector should make concerted efforts to mobilize revenue and additional financing to support the recovery and implement needed reforms to promote inclusive and sustainable growth, achieve diversification, tackle the climate crisis, and transition to a green economy.

“The IMF has been playing its part and reformed its concessional lending toolkit for low-income countries to provide greater flexibility to the access levels. It provided emergency financing to countries with urgent balance of payments needs, debt service relief under the Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust (CCRT) to the most vulnerable countries and enacted an historical Special Drawing Rights (SDR) allocation. The SDR allocation boosted liquidity and reserves around the world. About US$34 billion were allocated to countries in Africa, equivalent in some countries to as much as 6 percent of GDP.

“The IMF has just established a Resilience and Sustainability Trust, which will be operationalized later this year, funded by SDRs voluntarily channeled from donor countries. It will complement the IMF’s existing lending toolkit by providing longer-term affordable financing to address longer-term challenges, including climate change and pandemic preparedness. The ACG welcomed initial pledges of about $40 billion toward financing the RST, and encouraged other contributors to make additional pledges to ensure the RST is well-positioned to support African countries to address their long-term challenges and build resilience.

“The group also underscored the need to address rising debt vulnerabilities of developing countries, particularly in Africa and find effective ways to alleviate the weight of the debt service. It also stressed the need to continue working together to strengthen the debt resolution architecture, including by improving the Common Framework for debt treatments and technical assistance within the Multipronged Approach (MPA) to address the remaining capacity requirements.”


1 The African Consultative Group comprises the Fund Governors of a subset of 12 African countries belonging to the African Caucus (African finance ministers and central bank governors) and Fund management. It was formed in 2007 to enhance the IMF’s policy dialogue with the African Caucus. The Group meets at the time of the Spring Meetings, while Fund Management meets with the full membership of the African Caucus at the time of the Annual Meetings.

Source: IMF

WHO conducts training on the integration of oral cholera vaccine in emergency and preventive situations

The World Health Organization will be conducting a hybrid training in Abuja on 25 to 29 April, 2022 for health professionals emphasizing the importance of integrating the oral cholera vaccine (OCV) as option for emergency and preventive cholera outbreak in endemic countries.

The training which aligns with ‘Ending Cholera: A global Road Map to 2030, is intended for individuals that will be involved in the planning and implementation of OCV campaigns. The road map launched in 2017 targets a 90% reduction in cholera deaths by 2030 and the elimination of cholera in at least 20 countries out of the 47 currently affected.

“The increasing use of oral cholera vaccines to complete other interventions including water, sanitation and hygiene, for prevention and control of cholera outbreaks, is additional achievement in humanity walk toward vaccine equity and universal health coverage. This capacity building workshop will strengthen our health systems in implementing high-quality OCV activities,” said Rebecca Matshidiso Moeti, the WHO Regional Director for Africa.

According to the road map, priority countries are to plan OCV campaigns in targeted cholera hotspots as a component of their National Cholera Control Plan (NCP). However, there are some challenges.

During the 2021 annual Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) stakeholder meeting, poor quality reactive and preventive OCV campaign requests, lack of OCV use in outbreak response in some settings, and inadequate monitoring and evaluation of OCV campaigns were identified and needed to be addressed.

As such, the workshop targeting the Anglophone Cholera Priority countries aims to strengthen the capacities of health professionals from ministries of health (MOH), key in-country partners and independent individuals who soon are likely to lead or be part of decision making regarding the inclusion of OCV in cholera control activities or who may coordinate an OCV campaign.

The workshop is designed to address the associated lack of human resources knowledgeable about OCV by building awareness and practical skills on developing an emergency and preventive OCV campaign request, including how to identify areas in an active outbreak to target OCV as a control intervention and how to identify hotspots to prevent cholera outbreaks as part of a multi-year OCV plan.

Notwithstanding, the one -week workshop aims to have the following outcomes:

1) Attendees can provide an overview of the processes to prepare both an emergency and non-emergency OCV request, including

a) The differences between an emergency or non-emergency request

b) The key data requirements and location of relevant forms and tools to develop OCV requests

c) For non-emergency OCV requests develop multi-year OCV plans that prioritize cholera hotspots for campaigns utilizing criteria and data

2) Attendees can provide an overview of key actions and timelines to prepare for and implement OCV campaign and examples of how data could be used to improve outcomes of second round and/or future OCV campaigns.

Historically, WHO African Region Member States, including Nigeria, have experienced several cholera outbreaks characterized by high case fatality rates and vaccination against cholera are increasingly used as additional control measures for the prevention and the control of cholera outbreaks since 2013.

The Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) is a global network of organizations that brings together partners involved in the fight against cholera across all sectors, offering an effective country-driven platform that promotes a multi-sectoral, well-coordinated approach. The GTFCC provides a framework to support countries in intensifying efforts to control cholera.

Source: World Health Organization