Henley & Partners : Investissez dans le secteur de l’immobilier en Namibie et obtenez vos droits de résidence

LONDRES, 02 mars 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le leader mondial de la planification de la résidence et de la citoyenneté, Henley & Partners, lance le programme de résidence par investissement en Namibie, qui constitue la toute dernière option de migration des investissements au monde et la deuxième en Afrique.

Le gouvernement namibien recherche activement des investissements étrangers dans l’optique de stimuler la croissance économique du pays et de diversifier son économie. Ce programme offre de nombreuses possibilités — incitations fiscales, financements et service de guichet unique pour les entreprises internationales — aux investisseurs internationaux désireux de s’implanter et de développer leurs activités sur le continent africain. Pour un investissement immobilier minimum de 316 000 USD dans le nouveau domaine luxueux et écologique avec parcours de golf de President’s Links Estate, situé à Walvis Bay, les investisseurs retenus se verront attribuer un permis de travail renouvelable de cinq ans leur octroyant le droit de vivre, de faire affaires et d’étudier en Namibie.

Le responsable du groupe chargé des clients privés chez Henley & Partners, Dominic Volek, déclare : « Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer cette nouvelle offre innovante de résidence par investissement en Afrique. De par ses magnifiques paysages, son système fiscal attractif et son climat des affaires favorable, la Namibie représente une destination idéale pour les entrepreneurs internationaux, les particuliers fortunés ou les retraités. Ce domaine côtier d’exception, pour lequel des droits de résidence sont offerts, compte moins de 600 unités immobilières ; les investisseurs doivent donc se hâter s’ils veulent profiter de cette occasion limitée d’obtenir des droits de résidence dans l’un des pays les plus riches au monde en espèces fauniques ou floristiques. »

L’un des marchés du patrimoine privé à la croissance la plus rapide d’Afrique

Selon le rapport Africa Wealth Report, publié par Henley & Partners en partenariat avec New World Wealth, le patrimoine privé total actuellement détenu sur le continent africain s’élève à 2 100 milliards USD et devrait connaitre une augmentation de 38 % au cours des dix prochaines années. La Namibie est appelée à devenir l’un des marchés africains à la croissance la plus rapide, avec des prévisions de croissance de plus de 60 % du nombre de particuliers fortunés (ceux qui possèdent une fortune d’un million USD ou plus) au cours des dix prochaines années (jusqu’en 2032). Selon les statistiques de New World Wealth datant de décembre 2022, la Namibie détient un patrimoine total investissable d’une valeur de 26 milliards USD. La richesse moyenne d’un résident namibien (richesse par habitant) se chiffre à 10 050 USD, ce qui constitue la troisième la plus élevée en Afrique après celles de l’île Maurice et de l’Afrique du Sud. La Namibie compte environ 2 100 particuliers fortunés et trois centi-millionnaires (dont la fortune est égale ou supérieure à 100 millions USD).

En vue d’attirer des investissements étrangers, le gouvernement a nettement amélioré le système fiscal au cours de ces dernières années. La Namibie applique un système d’imposition fondé sur la source, les résidents étrangers n’étant généralement imposés que sur les revenus qu’ils génèrent dans le pays. Qui plus est, les taux d’imposition appliqués sont relativement compétitifs par rapport à ceux de nombreux autres marchés émergents et notamment par rapport à ceux des pays voisins, tels que l’Afrique du Sud. Le taux d’imposition sur le revenu le plus élevé appliqué en Namibie est un modique pourcentage de 37 %, mais l’élément le plus remarquable est probablement que le pays n’impose pas les plus-values, la succession, le don, l’héritage, la fortune ou la valeur nette.

Un intérêt sans précédent pour la diversification des domiciles

Le President’s Links Estate constitue pour l’heure le seul moyen d’investissement du programme de résidence par investissement en Namibie. Le responsable du groupe chargé de l’immobilier chez Henley & Partners, Thomas Scott, affirme que l’immobilier international est depuis toujours considéré comme une catégorie d’actifs fiable par les investisseurs mondiaux, en raison de son pouvoir de résistance à long terme. « Les programmes de migration liés à l’investissement immobilier, tels que celui proposé en Namibie, présentent l’avantage supplémentaire d’améliorer votre mobilité à travers le monde et d’élargir vos droits d’accès personnels en tant que résident ou citoyen d’autres pays, ce qui vous donne la latitude de choisir où vous et les membres de votre famille pouvez vivre, travailler, étudier, prendre votre retraite et investir. La valeur des actifs clés, les rendements locatifs et l’accès à plusieurs pays dans le monde en tant que couverture absolue contre la volatilité régionale et mondiale sont autant de gains potentiels que vous pouvez tirer pendant la durée de vie de cet investissement. »

Volek souligne que la demande d’options de résidence et de citoyenneté par investissement a connu une croissance significative et continue au cours de ces dernières années. « L’attrait des programmes de migration par investissement auprès des familles aisées est une réalité véritablement universelle en raison des nombreux avantages y afférents, allant de la multiplication des domiciles à l’amélioration de la mobilité à travers le monde, en passant par l’accès à une éducation et à des soins de santé de classe mondiale, sans perdre de vue la possibilité de disposer d’une solution alternative en période de turbulences. Quel que soit votre lieu de naissance ou votre lieu de résidence actuel, en tant qu’investisseur fortuné, vous, ainsi que les membres de votre famille, pouvez désormais parer à toute éventualité grâce aux options de migration des investissements telles que le nouveau programme de résidence par investissement en Namibie. »

Contact média

Sarah Nicklin
Responsable du groupe chargée des relations publiques
Portable : +27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000795763

Henley & Partners: Invista em Imóveis na Namíbia e Garanta Direitos de Residência

LONDRES, March 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A mais recente opção de migração de investimentos do mundo — e a segunda da África — o Programa de Residência por Investimento da Namíbia foi lançado pela Henley & Partners, líder global em planejamento de residência e cidadania.

O governo da Namíbia está buscando ativamente investimentos estrangeiros para impulsionar o crescimento econômico do país e diversificar a economia. O programa oferece inúmeras oportunidades para investidores internacionais que buscam uma posição e crescimento no continente africano, incluindo incentivos fiscais, financiamento e um serviço de atendimento completo para empresas internacionais. Ao fazer um investimento imobiliário mínimo de US$ 316.000 no condomínio ecológico President’s Links Estate com campo de golfe, em Walvis Bay, os investidores bem-sucedidos receberão uma permissão de trabalho renovável de cinco anos, que lhes dá o direito de morar, fazer negócios e estudar na Namíbia.

O Chefe do Grupo de Clientes Privados da Henley & Partners, Dominic Volek, disse: “Estamos muito satisfeitos em anunciar esta nova residência inovadora por oferta de investimento na África. A paisagem deslumbrante da Namíbia, o sistema fiscal atraente e o ambiente favorável aos negócios fazem dela uma opção ideal para empreendedores internacionais, indivíduos com alto patrimônio líquido ou aposentados. Há menos de 600 unidades imobiliárias disponíveis nesta propriedade costeira exclusiva que se qualifica para residência, e por isso, os investidores precisam ser rápidos se quiserem aproveitar essa oportunidade limitada para garantir direitos de residência em um dos países mais ricos em natureza e vida selvagem do mundo.”

Um dos mercados de riqueza privada de mais rápido crescimento da África

A riqueza privada total atualmente mantida pelo continente africano é de US$ 2,1 trilhões, e deverá aumentar 38% nos próximos 10 anos, de acordo com o Africa Wealth Report, publicado pela Henley & Partners em parceria com a New World Wealth. Espera-se que a Namíbia seja um dos mercados de crescimento mais rápidos da África no futuro, com um aumento de indivíduos com alto patrimônio líquido (aqueles com riqueza de US$ 1 milhão ou mais) de mais de 60% previsto para a próxima década (até 2032). De acordo com as estatísticas de dezembro de 2022 da New World Wealth, a Namíbia detém US$ 26 bilhões em riqueza total investível. A riqueza média de um residente da Namíbia (riqueza per capita) é de US$ 10.050, classificada como a terceira maior na África, depois da República das Ilhas Maurícias e da África do Sul. A nação é o lar de cerca de 2.100 indivíduos com alto patrimônio líquido, e três multimilionários (com riqueza igual ou superior a US$ 100 milhões).

Para atrair investimentos internos, o governo fez grandes melhorias em seu sistema tributário nos últimos anos. A Namíbia opera um sistema baseado na tributação na origem, no qual os residentes estrangeiros são geralmente tributados apenas sobre a renda que geram no país. Além disso, as alíquotas tributárias são relativamente competitivas em comparação com muitos outros mercados emergentes e particularmente com países vizinhos, como a África do Sul. A taxa máxima de imposto de renda na Namíbia é de modestos 37%, mas talvez o mais notável seja que não há ganhos de capital, propriedade, presente, herança ou impostos sobre a riqueza líquida/valor.

Interesse sem precedentes na diversificação domiciliar

Atualmente, o President’s Links Estate é a única rota de investimento para o Programa de Residência por Investimento da Namíbia. Thomas Scott, Chefe do Grupo Imobiliário da Henley & Partners, diz que o setor imobiliário internacional sempre foi uma classe de ativos confiável para investidores globais devido ao seu poder de permanência em longo prazo. “Os programas de migração com base em investimentos vinculados a imóveis, como a oferta na Namíbia, têm as vantagens adicionais de melhorar sua mobilidade global e expandir seus direitos de acesso pessoal como residente ou cidadão de jurisdições adicionais, criando opcionalidade em termos de onde você e sua família podem morar, trabalhar, estudar, se aposentar e investir. Os ganhos potenciais ao longo da vida útil deste investimento incluem o valor do ativo, os rendimentos de aluguel e o acesso global como uma proteção definitiva contra a volatilidade a nível regional e global.”

Volek ressalta que houve um crescimento significativo e contínuo na demanda por residência e cidadania por opções de investimento nos últimos anos. “O apelo da migração de investimentos para famílias ricas é verdadeiramente universal devido aos seus muitos benefícios, que vão desde a diversificação do domicílio até o aprimoramento da mobilidade global, passando pelo acesso à educação e aos cuidados de saúde de classe mundial, até ter um plano B em tempos de turbulência. Não importa onde você nasceu ou onde você reside atualmente, os investidores ricos podem salvaguardar seu futuro e o de suas famílias para o que quer que possa estar à frente, através de opções de migração de investimentos, como o novo Programa de Residência por Investimento da Namíbia.”

Contato com a Imprensa

Sarah Nicklin
Chefe do Grupo de RP
Celular: +27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000795763

Avia Solutions Group has become Irish-based company

VILNIUS, Lithuania, March 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Avia Solutions Group, the leading aviation business group, has become an Irish-based company. Following the transfer of its controlling headquarters to Ireland, Dublin, the group also became the second largest Irish-registered aviation business behind aviation giant Ryanair.

“Moving the company’s controlling headquarters to Ireland was a strategically important step for us in terms of our further development plans,” explains Jonas Janukenas, CEO of Avia Solutions Group. “Ireland is known as the hub of aviation. A large number of aviation companies are located here, hence, being closer to the aviation community we will be able to implement the group’s development plans faster and maintain market leadership.”

According to Janukenas, the company’s financial instruments on the Dublin Stock Exchange have been purchased by the world’s largest institutional investors from the USA and Europe, so this was also one of the reasons for choosing Ireland.

The group has offices spanning all across the world: Ireland, Lithuania, the US, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Australia and Asia Pacific.

Avia Solutions Group is the world’s leading and largest ACMI (aircraft leasing, maintenance and insurance) services group with a fleet of more than 165 aircraft. The group also provides various aviation services, such as aircraft maintenance, pilot and crew training, ground handling, and others. Avia Solutions Group employs more than 11,000 highly skilled aviation professionals across different regions of the world.

About Avia Solutions Group

Avia Solutions Group is the largest global ACMI (aircraft, crew, maintenance, and insurance) provider with more than 165 aircraft fleet, and a parent company of SmartLynx Airlines, Avion Express, BBN Airlines, KlasJet, Magma Aviation and more operating in all continents in the world. The Group also provides various aviation services such as MRO (maintenance, repair, and overhaul), pilots and crew trainings, ground handling and other interconnected solutions. Avia Solutions Group is backed by over 11,000 highly skilled aviation professionals worldwide.

For more information, please visit www.aviasg.com

Media contact:
Silvija Jakiene
Chief Communications Officer
Avia Solutions Group
+370 671 22697

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000795760

UN head says high seas treaty must be ‘ambitious’

United Nations chief Antonio Guterres urged countries to agree a “robust and ambitious” treaty to protect the high seas, as time starts to run out for negotiators.

After 15 years of formal and informal talks, delegates have been meeting in New York since Feb 20 to discuss a text that aims to protect nearly half the planet.

It is the third “final” negotiating round in less than a year and is due to end Friday.

“Our ocean has been under pressure for decades. We can no longer ignore the ocean emergency,” Guterres said in a message read to negotiators.

“The impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution are being keenly felt around the globe, affecting our environment, our livelihoods and our lives,” the secretary-general added.

“In adopting a robust and ambitious agreement at this meeting, you can take an important step forward in countering these destructive trends and advancing ocean health for generations to come.”

The high seas begin at the border of countries’ exclusive economic zones, which extend up to 200 nautical miles (370 kilometers) from coastlines. They thus fall under the jurisdiction of no country.

While the high seas comprise more than 60 percent of the world’s oceans and nearly half the planet’s surface, they have long drawn far less attention than coastal waters and a few iconic species.

An updated draft text released last weekend is still full of parenthetical clauses and multiple options on some major issues that will determine the robustness of the final agreement.

Source: Nam News Network (NNN)

Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reached a Record High in 2022

Communities around the world emitted more carbon dioxide in 2022 than in any other year on records dating to 1900, a result of air travel rebounding from the pandemic and more cities turning to coal as a low-cost source of power.

Emissions of the climate-warming gas that were caused by energy production grew 0.9% to reach 36.8 gigatons in 2022, the International Energy Agency reported Thursday. (The mass of one gigaton is equivalent to about 10,000 fully loaded aircraft carriers, according to NASA.)

Carbon dioxide is released when fossil fuels such as oil, coal or natural gas are burned to powers cars, planes, homes and factories. When the gas enters the atmosphere, it traps heat and contributes to the warming of the the climate.

Extreme weather events intensified last year’s carbon dioxide emissions: Droughts reduced the amount of water available for hydropower, which increased the need to burn fossil fuels. And heat waves drove up demand for electricity.

Thursday’s report was described as disconcerting by climate scientists, who warn that energy users around the world must cut emissions dramatically to slow the dire consequences of global warming.

“Any emissions growth — even 1% — is a failure,” said Rob Jackson, a professor of earth system science at Stanford University and chairman of the Global Carbon Project, an international group. “We can’t afford growth. We can’t afford stasis. It’s cuts or chaos for the planet. Any year with higher coal emissions is a bad year for our health and for the Earth.”

Carbon dioxide emissions from coal grew 1.6% last year. Many communities, primarily in Asia, switched from natural gas to coal to avoid high natural gas prices that were worsened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the IEA said.

And as global airline traffic increased, carbon dioxide emissions from burning oil grew 2.5%, with about half the surge resulting from the aviation sector.

Global emissions have grown in most years since 1900 and have accelerated over time, according to data from IEA. One exception was the pandemic year of 2020, when travel all but came to a standstill.

Last year’s level of emissions, though a record high, was nevertheless lower than experts had expected. Increased deployment of renewable energy, electric vehicles and heat pumps together helped prevent an additional 550 megatons of carbon dioxide emissions, the IEA said.

Strict pandemic measures and weak economic growth in China also curtailed production, helping to limit overall global emissions. And in Europe, the IEA said, electricity generation from wind and solar power exceeded that of gas or nuclear for the first time.

“Without clean energy, the growth in CO2 emissions would have been nearly three times as high,” Fatih Birol, the IEA’s executive director, said in a statement.

“However, we still see emissions growing from fossil fuels, hindering efforts to meet the world’s climate targets. International and national fossil fuel companies are making record revenues and need to take their share of responsibility, in line with their public pledges to meet climate goals.”

Though emissions continue to grow at worrisome levels, a reversal that would help achieve the climate goals that nations have committed to remains possible, said John Sterman, director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan Sustainability Initiative.

Nations must subsidize renewables, improve energy efficiency, electrify industry and transportation, set a high price for carbon emissions, reduce deforestation, plant trees and rid the system of coal, Sterman argued.

“This is a massive, massive undertaking to do all these things, but that’s what’s needed,” he said.

Source: Voice of America

Henley & Partners: Invest in Namibian Real Estate and Secure Residence Rights

LONDON, March 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The world’s latest investment migration option — and Africa’s second — the Namibia Residence by Investment Program has been launched by Henley & Partners, the global leaders in residence and citizenship planning.

The Namibian government is actively seeking foreign investment to boost the country’s economic growth and diversify the economy. The program provides numerous opportunities for international investors seeking a foothold and growth on the African continent, including tax incentives, financing, and a one-stop bureau service for international companies. For a minimum real estate investment of USD 316,000 in the new luxury golf and eco-friendly President’s Links Estate in Walvis Bay, successful investors will receive a five-year, renewable work permit which gives them the right to live, do business, and study in Namibia.

Group Head of Private Clients at Henley & Partners, Dominic Volek, says, “We are delighted to announce this innovative new residence by investment offering in Africa. Namibia’s stunning landscape, attractive tax system, and business-friendly environment make it an ideal option for international entrepreneurs, high-net-worth individuals, or retirees. There are fewer than 600 real estate units available in this exclusive coastal estate that qualifies for residence, so investors need to move quickly if they want to take advantage of this limited opportunity to secure residence rights in one of the most nature- and wildlife rich countries in the world.”

One of Africa’s fastest growing private wealth markets

The total private wealth currently held on the African continent is USD 2.1 trillion and is expected to rise by 38% over the next 10 years, according to the Africa Wealth Report, published by Henley & Partners in partnership with New World Wealth. Namibia is expected to be one of Africa’s fastest growing markets going forward, with high-net-worth individual (those with wealth of USD 1 million or more) growth of over 60% forecast for the next decade (until 2032). According to New World Wealth’s December 2022 statistics, Namibia holds USD 26 billion in total investable wealth. The average wealth of a resident of Namibia (wealth per capita) is USD 10,050, ranking as the third highest in Africa after Mauritius and South Africa. The nation is home to around 2,100 high-net-worth individuals and three centi-millionaires (with wealth of USD 100 million or more).

To attract inward investment, the government has made major improvements to its tax system in recent years. Namibia operates a source-based tax system, which means that foreign residents are generally only taxed on the income they generate in the country. What is more, tax rates are relatively competitive compared with many other emerging markets and particularly with neighboring countries such as South Africa. The top rate of income tax in Namibia is a modest 37%, but perhaps most notably there are no capital gains, estate, gift, inheritance, or net wealth/worth taxes.

Unprecedented interest in domicile diversification

Currently, the President’s Links Estate is the only investment route for the Namibia Residence by Investment Program. Group Head of Real Estate at Henley & Partners, Thomas Scott, says international real estate has always been a reliable asset class for global investors due to its long-term staying power. “Real estate–linked investment migration programs such as the offering in Namibia have the additional advantages of enhancing your global mobility and expanding your personal access rights as a resident or citizen of additional jurisdictions, creating optionality in terms of where you and your family can live, work, study, retire, and invest. The potential gains over the lifetime of this investment include the core value of the asset, rental yields, and global access as an ultimate hedge against both regional and global volatility.”

Volek points out that there has been significant and ongoing growth in the demand for residence and citizenship by investment options over the past few years. “The appeal of investment migration for affluent families is truly universal due to its many benefits, ranging from domicile diversification to global mobility enhancement, to accessing world-class education and healthcare, to having a plan B in times of turmoil. No matter where you were born, or where you currently reside, wealthy investors can futureproof themselves and their families for whatever might lie ahead through investment migration options such as the new Namibia Residence by Investment Program.”

Media Contact

Sarah Nicklin
Group Head of PR
Mobile: +27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000795319