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Efforts Underway to Attract Benelux Investors to Ethiopia

Addis Ababa: Efforts are underway to engage widely Benelux investors in horticulture, pharmaceuticals industry and other fields in Ethiopia, according to Ambassador Hirut Zamene.

Ethiopia’s ambassador to Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and the European Union, Hirut Zamene told ENA that efforts are underway to widely involve investors in exploiting the huge potential of Ethiopia’s tourism, horticulture and other fields.

Efforts are also underway to widely promote other amazing attractions, including the new tourist destinations built through the initiatives of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

She further stated that various activities are being carried out in promoting Ethiopia’s tourism attractions and investment opportunities to European countries.

Promotions would, for instance, be made at the annual “Brussels Holiday Fair” that will be held from 4-10 February 2024, she stated.

The 65th annual Brussels Holiday Fair is expected to attract more than 100,000 visitors.

In this way, promotion works will be
carried out to enable the Benelux investors engage in horticulture, pharmaceutical industry and other fields in Ethiopia.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency