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Burkina: Export of shea nuts temporarily suspended throughout the national territory

The export of shea nuts has been temporarily suspended throughout the national territory, said in a joint statement from the ministries in charge of Trade and Finance, signed on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.

“Economic operators and the population are hereby informed of the suspension of the export of shea nuts throughout the national territory until further notice, and this from the date of signing of this press release,” indicated in a joint press release, the ministries in charge of Commerce and Finance.

This document explains that the suspension aims to make available the shea almond used as raw material by industrial processing units at the national level.

“Therefore, since the export of shea nuts is subject to a Special Export Authorization (ASE), the issuance of ASEs for the said product is also suspended,” the press release states.

Any person violating the decision is liable to sanctions in accordance with current regulations, the note warns.

“In the event of non-compliance with the terms of th
is press release, reports may be made to the following freephone numbers: 80 00 11 84/85/56,” she concluded.

Source: Burkina Information Agency