There’ll be peace across Nigeria in foreseeable future – Army chief

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, has reitrated Nigerian Army’s commitment to combating all threats and ensuring peace in the foreseeable future.

Lagbaja stated this during the Inter-denominational Church Service to commemorate the 2024 Nigerian Army Day Celebration (NADCEL), on Sunday in Abuja.

He said the threats that Nigeria was facing as a nation were complex and adaptive, assuring that the troops are adapting to the situation.

‘I would say we are one step ahead of the threats and in doing so we have been able to restore peace to some parts of the country’.

Accoording to Lagbaja, in the areas where the army is still experiencing challenges, the authorities are reviewing the situation.

‘We are tweaking with our strategy and the troops are raring to go and we will continue to provide the necessary support to the troops in the front line.

‘My pledge to the nation is that the army will continue to be up and doing, the troops will continue to combat the threat and in the foreseeab
le future we will experience peace all across the nation,’ he said.

The army chief urged Nigerians to continue to support the army by providing information, moral, spiritual and whatever support to enable it to address the situation.

Lagbaja said that: ‘With this support, the soldiers in the front line will be motivated to give their all in the defence of the nation and in doing that, we will experience sustainable peace across the nation’.

He thanked the clergy for their diligence in lifting holy hands in prayers on behalf of the Nigerian army families, particularly those in the front lines and the families they left behind.

Lagbaja also congratulated officers and men of the army and members of their families as it marked its 161 years since its inception and counted its successes.

He said the service had experienced wars, low-intensity conflicts, and military operations other than war, such as peacekeeping/peace enforcement and military aid to civil authority engagements.

According to him, Nigeria tod
ay boasts of a force that is globally reckoned with, renowned for its tenacity and adaptability and a force that is victory-focused.

He said the Nigerian army understood the underlying spiritual component of fighting power, and ascribed battle successes to God as conspicuously captured by its motto: ‘Victory is from God Alone.’

‘I believe it is in recognition of the place of thankfulness to God for the past year and the need to seek divine guidance and blessings for a new year that our forefathers initiated the NADCEL religious activities.

‘Therefore, our gathering today is to thank the Almighty for His guidance over the past year and seek His continued blessings, grace, and favour.

‘Like the eagle bird that symbolises strength in the army logo, we have congregated before the Almighty to renew our strength to soar higher and accomplish missions in the new year,’ he said.

Lagbaja said that the NADCEL Church service was also to commemorate the fallen warriors, celebrate the living and pray for a brighter f
uture for the Nigerian army.

He urged all to keep praying for the repose of the souls of their beloved colleagues who had paid the supreme sacrifice in the line of duty defending the nation as well as for the recovery of the growing population of wounded-in-action warriors.

The Director, Chaplain Services (Roman Catholic), Nigerian Army, Brig.-Gen. Anthony Maimagani, said the theme of the Interdenominational Church Service is: ‘Integrating Religious Morals in the Society: Imperative in Combating Contemporary Security Challenges in a Joint Environment”.

Maimagani said the Nigerian army believed that victory only comes from God as encapsulated in its motto.

He said it was God that guided personnel and gave them inner courage to fight to overcome the enemy.

According to him, prayer is a key thing in their lives as they struggle with insecurity in the country.

‘That is why we talk about a non kinetic way of dealing with this insecurity and prayer is one aspect of dealing with such insecurity,’ he said.

ource: News Agency of Nigeria

Don tasks FG on revamping Ajaokuta Steel Company

A Don, Prof. Osita Agbu, has urged the Federal Government to revitalise the Ajaokuta Steel Company Limited to boost the country’s economy through industrialisation.

Agbu, of the the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, Baze University, Abuja, gave the advice while delivering inaugural lecture at the institution in Abuja.

The lecturer, who spoke on ‘Technology and International Relations: Backward and Forward Linkages In Steel Development and Nigeria’s Foreign Relations’, said ‘we cannot make progress if we don’t embrace science and technology.

‘And in Africa, where issues of primordialism and spiritualism hold sway, it is high time the country directs attention to bringing the company back to life.

‘Look at other countries of the world that have industrialised and made progress, you see that there is a whole lot of attention on scientific issues that you don’t have to be living in the past.

‘Yes, you can preserve your culture but you need to embr
ace the present and move into the future.’

Agbu said it was against this backdrop that he researched on the topic of his presentation because almost everything of that can make a country to develop or make a person to improve civilisation comes from the use of iron and steel.

‘And that is why I took us back to the various industrial revolutions we had, up to the 5th Industrial Revolution, to show the importance of iron and steel industry in the development of mankind and the things we use.

‘That is why I focused on what we have on the ground; the Ajaokuta Iron and Steel Industry.’

‘What are its various constraints and problems right from Inception, the cold war politics around it, the coming of the company from the Soviet Union and what we have been able to achieve.

‘I have been monitoring that project for three decades, and without it coming onstream, we cannot lay the foundation for industrialisation in Nigeria.

‘Yes, there are mini steel companies but they are just a few and cannot even satisfy domes
tic market, not to talk of exportation.’

He, therefore, stressed the need for the country to take drastic measures to have control over the production of iron and steel.

‘If we can do that and allow this to seep into other sectors of our economy, you will see what will happen to our economy .

‘People will be engaged, people will be able to produce, the country will have greater influence among the comity of nations.’

The Vice Chancellor of the university, Prof. Kathleen Okafor, in an interview, enumerated some of the takeaways from the lecture.

She said ‘this is telling us to disabuse our minds of political considerations when we are positioning investment institutions.

‘We should also be concerned with short and long term benefits to the country.

‘We should be aware of the presence of neocolonialism, where the super powers are not relenting in recolonising us in one way or the other, not recolonising us as a country geographically, but our minds.’

Okafor said that issues of corruption that had stalle
d development should be tackled.

She stressed the need for government to pursue development with a passion and aggression, saying ‘in terms of technology, we need to upscale, we need people with integrity and those who are prepared to be heroes for industrialisation.

‘It is not only about the leaders, but individuals are needed who have the right minds to champion development. Education or research alone can’t take us there

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Nigeria will partner global stakeholders in energy transition- Ngelale

Nigeria will partner global stakeholders in energy transition- Ngelale

Nigeria will continue to partner global stakeholders in energy transition programme as envisaged by the President Bola Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale, Special Presidential Envoy on Climate Action, said this at the 3-day Global Energy Transition (GET) Congress in Milan, Italy.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the Congress will hold from Monday to Wednesday with global players in the government and private sectors participating

He said that the country was blessed with solid minerals capable of easing the environmental and economic impact of the transition.

Ngelale said the National Council on Climate Change (NCCC) was ready to reposition climate resilience of the country and ensure climate justice.

He added that the NCCC would position Nigeria for rapid and sustainable socio-economic development in line with its establishment act.

‘I was struck by the increasing prioritization of climate justice in the
global south, and my focus remains on steering the energy transition toward green economic opportunity for Nigerians and Africans at large.’

Ngelale, who was hosted to a dinner by global leaders on climate change at the Congress on Sunday, said Nigeria would lead in the transition in Africa.

The Presidential Envoy exchanged views with former U.S. Special Presidential Envoy on Climate, John Kerry, former UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair, and other high-level dignitaries at the Global Energy Transition Congress at the dinner.

The Global Energy Transition Congress and Exhibition (GET) is a premier event that brings together thought leaders, innovators, and industry experts from the energy, hard-to-abate sectors, finance, and start-ups to address the critical challenges and opportunities to decarbonise industry and accelerate the global energy transition.

It serves as a vital platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and showcasing low-carbon solutions and decarbonisation technologies that will shape the futu
re of the energy transition worldwide.

With a focus on achieving net-zero emissions, GET is set to attract participants from diverse sectors and countries to foster collaboration and drive meaningful change.

Key speakers at this edition includes Blair, Nigeria’s Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment Doris Uzoka-Anite, Kerry Ngelale, Dr Philip Mshelbila, MD of Nigeria LNG

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Commission unveils African petroleum regulators’ forum

The Nigeria Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) has unveiled the African Petroleum Regulators’ Forum (AFRIPERF), to drive continental aspirations in the development and utilisation of hydrocarbon resources.

The commission inaugurated the AFRIPERF at its maiden roundtable on the sidelines of the Nigeria Oil and Gas (NOG) Energy Week 2024 holding from June 30 to July 4, 2024 in Abuja.

The theme of the event is: ‘Fostering Collaboration and Sustainability in Africa’s Petroleum industry.’

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the primary goal of the AFRIPERF is to promote collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the adoption of best practices across our continent for a secured energy future.

Mr Gbenga Komolafe, Chief Executive of the NUPRC, described the forum as a significant milestone in the collective journey toward fostering a more collaborative, innovative, and sustainable petroleum industry in Africa.

Komolafe said the AFRIPERF signified African’s commitment to overcome common challen
ges to achieve national aspirations in the development and utilisation of hydrocarbon resources.

‘Currently, Africa holds substantial oil and gas reserves. The continent’s proven oil reserves are estimated to be 125 billion barrels, representing approximately seven to nine per cent of the world’s total oil reserves, while the proven natural gas reserves are estimated at around 620 trillion cubic feet (Tcf).

‘Aside from hydrocarbon resources, Africa is blessed with potential for green and blue hydrogen, solar, wind, biomass and critical minerals for development of clean energy technologies and growing population pre-dominated by young people,’ he said.

He said with a population of 1.49 billion compared to a combined population of Europe and U.S. estimated at 1.1 billion, Africa had the second largest population among the continents of the world.

This population, he said, is expected to continue growing rapidly in the coming decades.

‘Unfortunately, Africa’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which currently sta
nds at three trillion dollars is very low compared to that of Europe at $22 trillion and U.S. at $26.9 trillion according to the World Bank, International Monetary Fund,’ he added.

He explained that these statistics underscored Africa’s significant role in the global youth demographic and highlighted the need for collaboration for targeted policies and investments that would support this growing segment of the population.

He noted that the need for a unified platform that would bring together the regulators of the African Petroleum Industry was conceived during the African Energy Leadership Forum and Awards at the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, USA, In May 2023.

‘As we are all aware, we are faced with rapidly evolving global energy landscape, it is,, therefore, imperative that we leverage our collective strengths to secure the appropriate energy source for the development of our nations and benefit of our people.

‘The recent surge in hydrocarbon discoveries across Africa, coupled with the pres
sing need for a sustainable energy transition, demands a concerted effort from all of us.

‘AFRIPERF will enable us to address these challenges head-on, ensuring that our regulatory frameworks are robust, our policies forward-thinking, and our actions aligned with global best practices,’ he said.

Speaking on the objectives of AFRIPERF, he said it would promote investment and cooperation among regulators of African petroleum producing countries, facilitate knowledge sharing, technology transfer, and the dissemination of best practices.

Mr Joseph Ogunshola, Deputy Director, Reservoir Management and Unitisation/Energy Transition and Carbon Monetisation, NUPRC said the forum required concerted efforts to drive initiatives and objectives proposed for AFRIPERF.

Ogunshola, in a presentation entitled: ‘Fostering Collaborative and Sustainability of Africa’s Petroleum Industry: Establishment of the Africa Petroleum Regulatory Forum,’ said 60 per cent of Africa’s export earnings were from hydrocarbons.

He underscore
d the need for access to clean cooking fuel, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) utilisation and balanced relationship between energy situation and economic growth and fair balance equitable energy transition.

Mr Ergbert Faibille, the Chief Executive Officer, Petroleum Commission, Ghana, lauded the NUPRC for conceiving and putting together the forum, adding that Ghana would be supportive to ensure its success.

‘The forum will enable the regulators in the continent to think through what our prospects are, what our challenges are and ensure that Africa is not left behind in the global energy industry,’ he said.

Fabille, while expressing enthusiasm on the resolution of producing the Abuja Declaration on the Forum for future references called for an investment in a firm and harmonised regulatory environment across African continent

Also speaking, Kanni Touray, the Deputy Director-General, Petroleum Commission, the Gambia, expressed delight to be part of the forum.

Touray said that the forum would enable the Gambia
to learn from Nigeria’s exploration and petroleum value chain.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Ethiopia Aims to Boost Tea Industry through Enhanced Investor Engagement

Addis Ababa: The Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority has called on investors to participate in the burgeoning tea sector.

The initiative to expand tea leaf production in Ethiopia, which began three years ago under Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s leadership, has shown promising results.

Inspired by Kenya’s success as Africa’s leading tea producer, Ethiopia has been diligently applying lessons learned from Prime Minister Abiy’s visit to expand its own tea production capabilities.

Director General of the Authority, Adugna Debela, revealed to the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) that an impressive 460 million seedlings have been cultivated to bolster production.

The current fiscal year has seen the establishment of expansive tea plantations spanning 30,000 hectares, a significant leap from the previous concentration of tea production in just 5,000 hectares across Wushwush and Gumero.Despite exporting 950 tons of premium processed tea leaves and generating 2.1 million USD in foreign currency within the first 11 months o
f this fiscal year-a substantial 50,000-ton increase from the previous year-Adugna emphasized that Ethiopia has only scratched the surface of its potential in the tea industry.

The limited involvement of investors in the sector has constrained Ethiopia’s ability to capitalize on its abundant resources and generate substantial foreign exchange, he said, adding annual earnings from tea exports have yet to surpass the 3 million USD mark, highlighting the vast untapped potential of the industry.

Ethiopia’s diverse topography and favorable climate present ideal conditions for tea cultivation, with the crop thriving even in acidic and sloping terrains. This versatility offers an excellent opportunity for farmers to diversify and expand their production.

Recognizing that smallholder farmers alone cannot drive the necessary expansion, Adugna has extended a call to investors to venture into the tea sector. The government is sweetening the deal with a range of incentives for industry participants.

Tea plantations o
ffer a sustainable long-term investment, with a productive lifespan of 30 to 40 years and bi-weekly leaf harvests providing a steady income stream.

The sector also promises significant job creation potential, prompting Adugna to encourage other regions to prioritize tea production in their agricultural strategies.

Currently, the United Kingdom absorbs 99 percent of Ethiopia’s tea exports, indicating room for market diversification and growth.

As Ethiopia positions itself to become a formidable player in the global tea market, the collaboration between government, farmers, and investors will be crucial in unlocking the full potential of this promising industry.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopian Airlines Launches New Flight to Warsaw, Poland

Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Airlines, Africa’s largest network operating carrier, has today officially launched new four times weekly passenger services to Warsaw, Poland via Athens.

The flight inaugurated today to Warsaw will expand the airline’s European destinations to 24, it was learned.

The inaugural ceremony was attended by several government officials and invited guests including Ethiopian Foreign Affairs State Ministers, Misganu Arga and Birtukan Ayano as well as State Minister of Transport and Logistics Dengue Boru, Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Mesfin Tassew and Ambassador of Poland to Ethiopia, Przemyslaw Bobak.

On the occasion, Foreign Affairs State Minister Ambassador Misganu highlighted the significance of the new flight to further fostering the political and economic ties between Ethiopia and Poland.

According to him, the two countries have opportunities to work in partnership in a number of areas including technology, agriculture, and infrastructure development among others. Hence, he added that
the new flight will play decisive role in tapping these opportunities for mutual benefits.

Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Mesfin Tasew, said the new flight will further grow Ethiopian presence in the European market with yet another new destination.

The move is in harmony with the Airline’s strategic intent to bridge Africa with the globe while fostering commerce and tourism within the continent.

Ambassador of Poland to Ethiopia, Przemyslaw Bobak for his part remarked that the new flight will be vital instrument to expand cultural exchanges between the people of the two countries in addition to its contribution to boost trade and tourism.

The new route, ET 764 from Addis Ababa to Warsaw via Athens, will operate on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Return flight ET 765 from Warsaw to Addis Ababa via Athens will on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

With its modern fleet, extensive network, and award-winning services, Ethiopian Airlines continues to be a leading airline in Africa and a glo
bal player in the aviation industry offering convenient travel options with seamless connections to more than 135 global destinations.

As the airline celebrates its 78th anniversary this year, the addition of Warsaw into its network further solidifies the airline’s position as a key player in the African aviation market and beyond.

With its more than 60 destinations in Africa, Ethiopian is playing a key role in bringing Africa closer to the world and now to Poland in particular.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency