ENA Vows to Play Part for Successful Implementation of Green Dev’t Strategy

Addis Ababa: The Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) pledges to continue rendering its effective contributions towards the successful implementation the national green development strategy which is a viable tool to pull the nation out of the social psychology of dependence and pave the way towards national prosperity.

A panel discussion organized by ENA under the theme ‘Green Development for Sustainable Prosperity’ held in Dire Dawa City today.

Members of the House of Peoples’ Representatives, officials from the federal government and Dire Dawa City Administration, representatives of local and international organizations working on climate change, leaders of media houses and professionals on the issue of the environment and invited guests presided over the panel discussion.

The panel discussed on range of issues including the role of media in addressing climate change.

Speaking on the occasion, the CEO of ENA Seife Deribe said that the ongoing national green legacy agenda has been nurturing the culture of environ
mental protection among the Ethiopians in addition to its vast contribution to mitigating desertification and flooding by planting trees.

The country is engaged in preparing and planting billions of tree seedlings with the objective of preventing the devastative effects of flood and desertification as strategies of environmental protection by mobilizing all communities, he added.

Hence, Seife stated that the launching of tree planting program has become a day which all Ethiopians look upon to happen every year.

After the inception of the national reform program and following the exemplary role played by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, the event has become an occasion on which regional governments and city administrations come together to make the issue of national green legacy initiative as a hub of convergence and point of intersection,, the CEO added.

He said that the strategy has become instrumental in effectively detesting dependency and working towards sustained national prosperity under the theme ‘ Let u
s Plant Today for Tomorrow’ in depicting and fostering unity on our common agenda with steadfastness and cooperation in planting 500 million tree seedlings in a single day last year setting a global record for the country in building a livable Ethiopia for all citizens.

The CEO noted that wide range of preparations and programs are underway this year to implement the National Green Legacy Initiative to be implemented at national level.

According to him, the Green Legacy Initiative aims at transferring a preferable green ecosystem to the coming generation, retaining and using our natural resources, to effectively combat the effects of climate change, promoting the agricultural sector on crop and livestock production, prevention of sporadic floods and other related natural and manmade calamities, Seife elaborated.

He further noted that the Initiative will enhance patriotic self-reliance and prevention of dependency syndrome.

Seife stressed that media houses play a greater role in further promoting Ethiopia’
s globally recognized green legacy initiative and the role the country is playing at the international and regional level in curbing the effects of climate change by setting a practical example for the neighboring countries and the nations across the world.

He added that ENA is according a greater focus on making the issue of the Green Legacy Initiative as public agenda to roll back the social psychology of dependence and promotion of national prosperity.

The CEO of ENA remarked that his Agency has prepared 13 panel discussions in Addis Ababa and regional states on various issues and the current panel discussion underway is the 14th focusing on Green Legacy.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia Intensifies Efforts to Build Climate-Resilient Economy

Addis Ababa: Director General of the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Institute, Dr. Mandefro Nigusse said Ethiopia is ramping up efforts to build an economy resilient to climate change impacts stressing that the momentum must be sustained to succeed in this endeavor.

The Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) is hosting a national panel discussion under the title “Green Development For Sustainable Prosperity” in the city of Dire Dawa.

Government officials, representatives of various organizations working on climate change and green development, as well as academic institutions and invited guest are in attendance at the panel that focused on topics such as impacts of climate change and the current global situation, climate change and sustainable development, Ethiopia’s experience in green development and the role of the media in addressing climate change.

During the panel, Director General of the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Institute said Ethiopia is undertaking a coordinated strategy to build a climat
e-resilient Green economy development.

He highlighted ongoing works to mitigate the severe impacts of climate change on agriculture, natural resources, and health sectors.

Mandefro stated that Ethiopia’s efforts to rapidly develop its crop and livestock resources annually are bearing fruit in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals.

With drought and poverty being existential issues requiring ensuring household food security, he stated the encouraging efforts to tremendously increase agriculture production within ten years.

To elevate these transformative gains, Mandefro stressed implementing the Green development initiative in an integrated and systematic manner.

The Green Development approach enhances soil fertility, sustainably improves soil health allowing increased productivity and yield, he explained.

Additionally, the Green Development strategy enables efficient water resource utilization and management while boosting household incomes, Mandefro added.

“The Green Legacy initiative helps gener
ate income from crops cultivated at scale, allowing us to bequeath a better nation to our children,” Mandefro remarked.

Director of the Ethiopian Climate Change Institute at Jimma University, Dr. Kefelegn Getahun underscored prioritizing integrated implementation of the Green development approach to preempt potential climate change-induced challenges in the Horn of Africa region.

He cited flood hazards, health issues, conflicts, and poverty as risks exacerbated by climate change that require coordinated mitigation and adaptation efforts institutionally and through research-backed interventions to achieve greater outcomes.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia Intensifies Efforts to Build Climate-Resilient Economy

Addis Ababa: Director General of the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Institute, Dr. Mandefro Nigusse said Ethiopia is ramping up efforts to build an economy resilient to climate change impacts stressing that the momentum must be sustained to succeed in this endeavor.

The Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) is hosting a national panel discussion under the title “Green Development For Sustainable Prosperity” in the city of Dire Dawa.

Government officials, representatives of various organizations working on climate change and green development, as well as academic institutions and invited guest are in attendance at the panel that focused on topics such as impacts of climate change and the current global situation, climate change and sustainable development, Ethiopia’s experience in green development and the role of the media in addressing climate change.

During the panel, Director General of the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Institute said Ethiopia is undertaking a coordinated strategy to build a climat
e-resilient Green economy development.

He highlighted ongoing works to mitigate the severe impacts of climate change on agriculture, natural resources, and health sectors.

Mandefro stated that Ethiopia’s efforts to rapidly develop its crop and livestock resources annually are bearing fruit in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals.

With drought and poverty being existential issues requiring ensuring household food security, he stated the encouraging efforts to tremendously increase agriculture production within ten years.

To elevate these transformative gains, Mandefro stressed implementing the Green development initiative in an integrated and systematic manner.

The Green Development approach enhances soil fertility, sustainably improves soil health allowing increased productivity and yield, he explained.

Additionally, the Green Development strategy enables efficient water resource utilization and management while boosting household incomes, Mandefro added.

“The Green Legacy initiative helps gener
ate income from crops cultivated at scale, allowing us to bequeath a better nation to our children,” Mandefro remarked.

Director of the Ethiopian Climate Change Institute at Jimma University, Dr. Kefelegn Getahun underscored prioritizing integrated implementation of the Green development approach to preempt potential climate change-induced challenges in the Horn of Africa region.

He cited flood hazards, health issues, conflicts, and poverty as risks exacerbated by climate change that require coordinated mitigation and adaptation efforts institutionally and through research-backed interventions to achieve greater outcomes.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Media Outlets Urged to Take Center Stage in Climate Change Combating Endeavors

Addis Ababa: Ethiopian experts have urged the mass media in the country to prioritize the green development agenda and play a crucial role in the endeavors of combating climate-induced impacts.

The Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) has organized a panel discussion in Dire Dawa city under the theme ‘Green Development for Sustainable Prosperity.’

Among the panelists, Haromaya University PostGraduate Program Director Ashenafi Yimam emphasized the media’s responsibility to analyze and report on ongoing efforts to mitigate the negative effects of climate change.

Ashenafi stressed the need for showcasing the Green Legacy Initiative that has been bearing tangible results across various sectors.

Concerted efforts should be made to transform the lives of the affected sections of the society due to climate change and to build climate resilient communities, he added.

House of Peoples’ Representatives Democracy Affairs Standing Committee Member, Abune Alem commended ENA for its role as a media in fostering public partici
pation in the Green Legacy Initiative.

She urged media outlets to actively create agendas that empower people to fulfill their environmental responsibilities.

We should all come closer and help and support the media so that they can play their role properly, Abune added.

On his part, Dire Dawa City Administration Environmental Forest and Climate Change Authority General Manager, Abdu Mohamed called for strengthening stakeholder support and enhancing media literacy on the current climate change impacts.

He also emphasized on the paramount role the media that can effectively craft green development agenda and deliver its message to the general public

Acknowledging the panel discussion hosted by ENA to create proper awareness about climate change, the manager stated that this initiative should be encouraged and strengthened.

Abdu further added the role and support of stakeholders should be strengthened so that the media can do a better job with developed knowledge and literacy in each field.

Dr. Roba Petr
os, who participated in the panel discussion, underscored the need for media professionals to be knowledgeable and skilled in environmental issues.

He emphasized that creating media agendas that promote public ownership of green development initiatives is crucial for mobilizing Ethiopians to take full responsibility for a sustainable future.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Media Outlets Urged to Take Center Stage in Climate Change Combating Endeavors

Addis Ababa: Ethiopian experts have urged the mass media in the country to prioritize the green development agenda and play a crucial role in the endeavors of combating climate-induced impacts.

The Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) has organized a panel discussion in Dire Dawa city under the theme ‘Green Development for Sustainable Prosperity.’

Among the panelists, Haromaya University PostGraduate Program Director Ashenafi Yimam emphasized the media’s responsibility to analyze and report on ongoing efforts to mitigate the negative effects of climate change.

Ashenafi stressed the need for showcasing the Green Legacy Initiative that has been bearing tangible results across various sectors.

Concerted efforts should be made to transform the lives of the affected sections of the society due to climate change and to build climate resilient communities, he added.

House of Peoples’ Representatives Democracy Affairs Standing Committee Member, Abune Alem commended ENA for its role as a media in fostering public partici
pation in the Green Legacy Initiative.

She urged media outlets to actively create agendas that empower people to fulfill their environmental responsibilities.

We should all come closer and help and support the media so that they can play their role properly, Abune added.

On his part, Dire Dawa City Administration Environmental Forest and Climate Change Authority General Manager, Abdu Mohamed called for strengthening stakeholder support and enhancing media literacy on the current climate change impacts.

He also emphasized on the paramount role the media that can effectively craft green development agenda and deliver its message to the general public

Acknowledging the panel discussion hosted by ENA to create proper awareness about climate change, the manager stated that this initiative should be encouraged and strengthened.

Abdu further added the role and support of stakeholders should be strengthened so that the media can do a better job with developed knowledge and literacy in each field.

Dr. Roba Petr
os, who participated in the panel discussion, underscored the need for media professionals to be knowledgeable and skilled in environmental issues.

He emphasized that creating media agendas that promote public ownership of green development initiatives is crucial for mobilizing Ethiopians to take full responsibility for a sustainable future.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Aumento da Participação Estrangeira em Investimentos Chineses: CEO do EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, David Barrett, compartilha insights com Yi Cai

David Barrett, CEO do EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, um dos palestrantes do Fórum de Estratégia Principal de Yi Cai sobre oportunidades de investimentos chineses

David Barrett, CEO do EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, falando com Yi Cai sobre o aumento da participação estrangeira nos investimentos chineses. Ele explora os fatores que levam os principais investidores aos mercados chineses e oferece sua visão sobre seu crescimento futuro.

LONDRES, June 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — David Barrett, CEO do EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, compartilhou recentemente sua opinião sobre o crescente interesse em investimentos chineses durante uma extensa entrevista com Yi Cai. Barrett falou sobre os fatores que levam os principais investidores aos mercados chineses e deu sua opinião sobre o futuro desses investimentos.

David Barrett, CEO do EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, um dos palestrantes do Fórum de Estratégia Principal de Yi Cai sobre oportunidades de investimento

Aumento da Participação Estrangeira

Nos últimos meses, houve um aumento notável do interesse estrangeiro nas ações chinesas, impulsionado por investidores de alto perfil. Michael Burry, conhecido por suas previsões durante o “The Big Short”, aumentou significativamente seus investimentos na JD.com e no Alibaba. Da mesma forma, o fundo hedge de David Tepper investiu fortemente em tecnologia e nos mercados chineses. Esse interesse crescente se reflete no desempenho do Nasdaq Golden Dragon China Index, que subiu 14,86% de 22 de abril a 3 de maio, alcançando seu maior ganho de duas semanas desde janeiro de 2023. Em 16 de maio, o Índice fechou em alta de 2,49%, marcando seu nível mais alto desde setembro de 2023.

Barrett atribui esse interesse renovado ao valor relativo que os mercados chineses oferecem. “Os índices chineses têm enfrentado dificuldades desde a quebra liderada pelo setor imobiliário em 2021, causando uma queda substancial no investimento direto estrangeiro e na confiança doméstica. No entanto, isso levou a discrepâncias extremas de preços, tornando as ações chinesas uma opção atraente para investidores focados no valor”, explicou Barrett. “Investidores como Burry e Tepper são conhecidos pelo seu foco estratégico em carteiras de alta concentração, e seus investimentos significativos em empresas chinesas indicam a forte confiança no potencial de alta desses mercados.”

Perspectivas futuras dos investimentos chineses

Barrett permanece otimista quanto ao crescimento contínuo dos mercados chineses no futuro. “Vários indicadores sugerem que o governo chinês está tomando medidas eficazes para estimular o crescimento econômico e restaurar a confiança do mercado”, disse Barrett. “Os esforços para apoiar áreas vulneráveis da economia, incentivar investimentos domésticos e estabilizar o cenário financeiro estão começando a mostrar resultados positivos.”

Ele enfatizou o papel crucial da política interna na sustentação desse crescimento. “São essenciais políticas que visem reduzir os riscos patrimoniais, apoiar a indústria de semicondutores e incentivar as empresas estatais a fortalecer suas posições financeiras. Além disso, as iniciativas das empresas chinesas para aumentar o pagamento de dividendos provavelmente irão atrair mais investidores estrangeiros que buscam rendimento em um ambiente de taxa de juros mais alta.”

Setores Promissores e Alocação Global de Ativos

Barrett destacou o setor de tecnologia como uma área-chave para investimento nos mercados de ações de ações A e Hong Kong. “As empresas de tecnologia chinesas estão na vanguarda da inovação e, com o apoio substancial do governo, estão bem posicionadas para enfrentar os desafios globais”, disse Barrett. “Por exemplo, se a China tiver obstáculos para a compra de semicondutores, poderá desenvolver seus próprios semicondutores. Com as impressionantes margens de lucro observadas em empresas como a NVIDIA, há um forte incentivo para as empresas chinesas produzirem chips competitivos e de baixo custo. Com o substancial apoio e investimento governamentais, podemos esperar resiliência e um considerável potencial de crescimento neste setor.”

Ele também identificou a indústria de veículos elétricos (VE) como um setor promissor. “Como tópico, os VEs têm tido muito destaque ultimamente”, observou Barrett. “No entanto, não temos certeza quanto ao desempenho das marcas ocidentais na China continental e como as marcas chinesas se sairão no mercado global. Apesar desses desafios, a tecnologia chinesa permanece na vanguarda, e qualquer progresso, especialmente em meio a tensões geopolíticas, provavelmente reforçará o investimento doméstico. Este maior foco na inovação e desenvolvimento local aumentará as perspectivas de crescimento da indústria.”

Do ponto de vista global, Barrett aconselha uma estratégia diversificada de alocação de ativos, alertando contra o excesso de confiança nas ações dos EUA. “Embora os mercados dos EUA tenham tido um crescimento substancial, é crucial considerar oportunidades em outros lugares, como na China, onde as avaliações são atraentes”, explicou. “Dada a recente alta das ações dos EUA, aconselhamos cautela e diversificação. Commodities como ouro continuam atraentes como reserva de valor e proteção contra incertezas econômicas e geopolíticas. Com os bancos centrais continuando a administrar a liquidez e as taxas de juros, a manutenção de uma carteira equilibrada que inclua ativos internacionais subvalorizados e commodities tangíveis pode trazer estabilidade e potencial de crescimento.”

Sobre o EBC Financial Group
Fundado no conceituado distrito financeiro de Londres, o EBC Financial Group (EBC) é conhecido pelo seu conjunto abrangente de serviços que incluem corretagem financeira, gestão de ativos e soluções de investimento abrangentes. Com escritórios estrategicamente localizados em centros financeiros proeminentes, como Londres, Sydney, Hong Kong, Tóquio, Singapura, Ilhas Cayman, Bangkok, Limassol e muitos outros, o EBC atende a uma clientela diversificada de investidores de varejo, profissionais e institucionais em todo o mundo.

Reconhecido com várias premiações, o EBC se orgulha de aderir aos mais altos níveis de padrões éticos e regulamentações internacionais. O EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited é regulado pela Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) do Reino Unido, o EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd é regulada pela Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) da Austrália, e o EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited é regulado pela Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA).

No centro do Grupo EBC estão profissionais experientes com mais de 30 anos de profunda experiência em grandes instituições financeiras, tendo navegado habilmente por ciclos econômicos significativos, desde o Plaza Accord até a crise do franco suíço em 2015. O EBC defende uma cultura na qual a integridade, o respeito e a segurança dos ativos dos clientes são fundamentais, garantindo que todo o envolvimento dos investidores seja tratado com a máxima seriedade que merece.

O EBC é o Parceiro Oficial de Câmbio do FC Barcelona, oferecendo serviços especializados em regiões como Ásia, LATAM, Oriente Médio, África e Oceania. O EBC Financial Group tem parceria com a Unidos para Combater a Malária, uma campanha da Fundação das Nações Unidas que visa aumentar a saúde global. A partir de fevereiro de 2024 a EBC passou a apoiar a série de engajamentos públicos “What Economists Really Do” (O que os economistas realmente fazem) do Department of Economics da Oxford University, desmistificando a economia e sua aplicação aos principais desafios sociais para aumentar a sua compreensão e o diálogo do público.


Contato com a Mídia:
Douglas Chew
Gerente Global de Relações Públicas

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