11-year old student urges effective use of natural resources

Miss Oluwateniola Olowoporoku, an 11-year old pupil on Friday called for concerted efforts towards effective management of the nation’s natural resources.

She made the call in Abuja during sensitisation tagged ‘Head Girl Initiative Capacity Building’ which she organised in partnership with Springhall British Primary School Abuja.

An initiative with the theme: ‘Natural Resources Governance’, is meant to educate students on importance of protecting the nation’s natural resources.

‘Our school has always been a beacon of knowledge and leadership, and today we embark on a journey that reinforces our commitment to sustainability and responsible stewardship of our environment.

‘Nigeria is blessed with so many natural resources like trees, water, minerals, and even fresh air. They’re super important because they help us live our lives every day.

‘We use trees to make paper for our books, water to drink and grow food, and minerals to make things like cars and phones.

‘But here’s the thing, these resources aren’
t endless, that means we have to be careful about how we use them. And that’s where natural resource governance comes in”, she said.

Olowoporoku said the Head Girl initiative was aimed encouraging young persons’ participation in protecting God-given natural resources

Mrs Juliet Ukanwosu, Executive Director Extractive 360 in a presentation on, ‘All about Natural Resources in Nigeria’, urged more sensitisation of young persons on effective use of resources.

Ukanwosu explained that the knowledge the children had received in the course of the programme would go a long way to shape their adulthood and prepare them for desired leadership roles in the future.

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‘The amount of values and knowledge that we impact on them is what will shape the adult and the leaders that they will become tomorrow

‘So it’s important that we begin to catch them young and to imbibe in them the right values and the right knowledge as they grow,’ she said.

Mrs Etareri De
kpe, Olowoporoku’s mother, expressed gladness over daughter’s passion to share her knowledge with her peers and school mates.

‘Anything natural resources is my sector However, she is inquisitive about natural resources; their uses, among others.

‘She came up with the idea to also extend the knowledge to her school mates and I said why not, she created the whole road map for the initiative.

‘I just had to help her as her mother by sponsoring it,’ she said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Panel Discussion on “Green Development for Sustainable Prosperity” Underway in Dire Dawa City

Addis Ababa: A panel discussion organized by the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) under the theme “Green Development for Sustainable Prosperity” is being held in Diredawa city.

Chairman of the Standing Committee on Democracy Affairs of the House of People’s Representatives, Ewnetu Alene, Government Whip of Dire Dawa City Administration with the rank of Deputy Mayor, Ibrahim Yusuf and other officials from federal government and Dire Dawa Administration were in attendance at the panel discussion.

Representatives of institutions working on climate change and green development, as well as academic institutions and invited guest are in attendance.

The panel discussion will focus on topics such as impacts of climate change and the current global situation, climate change and sustainable development goals, Ethiopia’s experience in green development, and the role of the media in addressing climate change.

The discussion aims at fostering a shared understanding of the benefits of ongoing green development projects in E
thiopia, particularly in terms of combating climate change and ensuring sustainable prosperity.

It is emphasized that enabling widespread participation is crucial for sustaining the green development initiatives initiated with active involvement of the community.

Recalled that Ethiopians have embarked on an ambitious campaign of planting billions of trees every year in an effort to achieve a greener and cleaner environment and tackle the adverse effects of climate crisis.

So far the country has planted more than 32.5 billion trees through the Green Legacy Initiative launched by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in 2019.

Building a climate-resilient economy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions are central pillars of Ethiopia’s 10-year development plan, with the ultimate goal of achieving net-zero emissions and a climate-resilient economy by 2050.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Panel Discussion on “Green Development for Sustainable Prosperity” Underway in Dire Dawa City

Addis Ababa: A panel discussion organized by the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) under the theme “Green Development for Sustainable Prosperity” is being held in Diredawa city.

Chairman of the Standing Committee on Democracy Affairs of the House of People’s Representatives, Ewnetu Alene, Government Whip of Dire Dawa City Administration with the rank of Deputy Mayor, Ibrahim Yusuf and other officials from federal government and Dire Dawa Administration were in attendance at the panel discussion.

Representatives of institutions working on climate change and green development, as well as academic institutions and invited guest are in attendance.

The panel discussion will focus on topics such as impacts of climate change and the current global situation, climate change and sustainable development goals, Ethiopia’s experience in green development, and the role of the media in addressing climate change.

The discussion aims at fostering a shared understanding of the benefits of ongoing green development projects in E
thiopia, particularly in terms of combating climate change and ensuring sustainable prosperity.

It is emphasized that enabling widespread participation is crucial for sustaining the green development initiatives initiated with active involvement of the community.

Recalled that Ethiopians have embarked on an ambitious campaign of planting billions of trees every year in an effort to achieve a greener and cleaner environment and tackle the adverse effects of climate crisis.

So far the country has planted more than 32.5 billion trees through the Green Legacy Initiative launched by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in 2019.

Building a climate-resilient economy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions are central pillars of Ethiopia’s 10-year development plan, with the ultimate goal of achieving net-zero emissions and a climate-resilient economy by 2050.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Enduring Dedication of Ethiopia’s National Defense Force to Int’l Peace

Addis Ababa: By Haile Henok Tadele

In the ever-evolving landscape of global security, Ethiopia stands out as a beacon of peace and stability. With a rich history of peacekeeping deployments dating back to the Korean War in 1951, the country has cemented its role as a trusted partner in the United Nations’ efforts to maintain international peace and security.

As the leading contributor of peacekeeping forces globally, Ethiopia has deployed its soldiers to conflict-torn regions across Africa and beyond. From the scorching deserts of Darfur to the lush plains of South Sudan, members of the Ethiopian defense Force peacekeepers have not only upheld their duty to protect civilians and restore stability, but have also made tangible improvements to local communities.

Through their tireless efforts, members of the Ethiopian Defense Forces have built schools, health clinics, and critical infrastructure, transforming the lives of those affected by conflict. Their unwavering commitment to serving the greater good
has earned them widespread international acclaim, with the United Nations, the United States, Canada, and various military attachés lauding Ethiopia’s invaluable contribution to maintaining peace and security around the world.

In 2022, three Ethiopian peacekeepers were posthumously honored at the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers ceremony, awarded the prestigious Dag Hammarskjöld Medal for making the ultimate sacrifice while serving under the UN flag. This recognition underscores the Ethiopia’s National Defense Force longstanding history of participating in UN peacekeeping missions, a legacy that spans decades.


Ethiopia’s first deployment of troops to the Korean Peninsula in 1951 marked a pivotal moment, not only in the country’s peacekeeping history but also in the trajectory of South Korea’s remarkable economic transformation. The presence and dedication of the Ethiopian peacekeepers, who fought alongside their UN counterparts, played a crucial role in maintaining the fragile
armistice and providing the necessary stability for South Korea to begin its journey towards economic prosperity.

The ENDF’s involvement in Somalia’s peacekeeping efforts has been equally significant. Since the early 1990s, the ENDF has been a consistent presence in the country, contributing to the stabilization of the region and the restoration of the Somali government’s authority. Through their tireless efforts, the ENDF has been instrumental in securing key infrastructure, facilitating humanitarian aid delivery, and training local security forces, laying the groundwork for Somalia’s gradual recovery.

The ENDF’s peacekeeping role was also pivotal in Liberia’s journey towards stability and prosperity. During the country’s civil war, the ENDF deployed troops to support the UN peacekeeping mission, playing a vital role in disarming combatants, securing key locations, and facilitating the transition to a democratically elected government. The ENDF’s steadfast commitment and professionalism contributed to the
establishment of lasting peace, paving the way for Liberia’s remarkable economic and social progress in the years that followed.

Furthermore, the ENDF’s presence in Rwanda during the country’s darkest hour was a testament to its unyielding dedication to global peace. Amid the horrific genocide, the ENDF’s contingent worked tirelessly to protect civilians, provide humanitarian aid, and support the efforts to bring normalcy. The ENDF’s actions during this period were instrumental in laying the groundwork for Rwanda’s remarkable recovery and transformation into the thriving, peaceful nation it is today.

International Acclaim

From the scorching deserts of Darfur to the Korean peninsula, the blue helmets of Ethiopia’s peacekeepers have become a symbol of hope and security. As the world grapples with complex conflicts, the international community continues to recognize Ethiopia’s steadfast commitment to global peace and stability, setting an inspiring example for others to follow.

The success of Ethiopia’s peac
ekeeping operations has not gone unnoticed by the international community. The United States has repeatedly expressed gratitude for the role the Ethiopian National Defense Force plays in regional stability.

Canada has also commended Ethiopia’s remarkable work in empowering and enhancing the participation of women in peacekeeping missions, with Larisa Galadza, the Peace and Stabilization Director-General of Global Affairs Canada, lauding the country’s leadership in gender equality as Ethiopia has also notably made strides in promoting gender parity within its peacekeeping contingents.

In 2016, the country reached 16% women’s participation, surpassing the UN’s target of 20% by 2020. This inclusive approach enhances the peacekeepers’ ability to connect with local communities and address the unique needs of women and children.

Furthermore, the United Nations has described Ethiopia as one of its “strongest partners” in peacekeeping, with the UN Under-Secretary-General Jean-Pierre Lacroix recognizing the country
‘s invaluable contribution. The success of the Ethiopian peacekeeping mission in the disputed region of Abyei has also been celebrated, with the mission receiving a medal reward from the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA).

Commitment to International Peace

Ethiopia’s steadfast commitment to global peacekeeping, combined with its impressive track record of success and the international recognition it has received, is a testament to the country’s dedication to promoting stability and security around the world. As the country continues to play a vital role in UN and AU peacekeeping missions, its legacy as a beacon of peace will undoubtedly inspire generations to come.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has reaffirmed Ethiopia’s commitment to this noble cause, stating that the Ethiopian army has sacrificed life and limb to protect the peace of all peoples, and that the country’s defense forces are “symbols of peace wherever they go.”

Today, Ethiopia stands as the top contributor of peacekeeping f
orces globally, with over 8,300 uniformed personnel serving in various missions. This remarkable achievement underscores the nation’s profound belief in the transformative power of peace and stability, and its unwavering dedication to fostering a more just and peaceful world.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Enduring Dedication of Ethiopia’s National Defense Force to Int’l Peace

Addis Ababa: By Haile Henok Tadele

In the ever-evolving landscape of global security, Ethiopia stands out as a beacon of peace and stability. With a rich history of peacekeeping deployments dating back to the Korean War in 1951, the country has cemented its role as a trusted partner in the United Nations’ efforts to maintain international peace and security.

As the leading contributor of peacekeeping forces globally, Ethiopia has deployed its soldiers to conflict-torn regions across Africa and beyond. From the scorching deserts of Darfur to the lush plains of South Sudan, members of the Ethiopian defense Force peacekeepers have not only upheld their duty to protect civilians and restore stability, but have also made tangible improvements to local communities.

Through their tireless efforts, members of the Ethiopian Defense Forces have built schools, health clinics, and critical infrastructure, transforming the lives of those affected by conflict. Their unwavering commitment to serving the greater good
has earned them widespread international acclaim, with the United Nations, the United States, Canada, and various military attachés lauding Ethiopia’s invaluable contribution to maintaining peace and security around the world.

In 2022, three Ethiopian peacekeepers were posthumously honored at the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers ceremony, awarded the prestigious Dag Hammarskjöld Medal for making the ultimate sacrifice while serving under the UN flag. This recognition underscores the Ethiopia’s National Defense Force longstanding history of participating in UN peacekeeping missions, a legacy that spans decades.


Ethiopia’s first deployment of troops to the Korean Peninsula in 1951 marked a pivotal moment, not only in the country’s peacekeeping history but also in the trajectory of South Korea’s remarkable economic transformation. The presence and dedication of the Ethiopian peacekeepers, who fought alongside their UN counterparts, played a crucial role in maintaining the fragile
armistice and providing the necessary stability for South Korea to begin its journey towards economic prosperity.

The ENDF’s involvement in Somalia’s peacekeeping efforts has been equally significant. Since the early 1990s, the ENDF has been a consistent presence in the country, contributing to the stabilization of the region and the restoration of the Somali government’s authority. Through their tireless efforts, the ENDF has been instrumental in securing key infrastructure, facilitating humanitarian aid delivery, and training local security forces, laying the groundwork for Somalia’s gradual recovery.

The ENDF’s peacekeeping role was also pivotal in Liberia’s journey towards stability and prosperity. During the country’s civil war, the ENDF deployed troops to support the UN peacekeeping mission, playing a vital role in disarming combatants, securing key locations, and facilitating the transition to a democratically elected government. The ENDF’s steadfast commitment and professionalism contributed to the
establishment of lasting peace, paving the way for Liberia’s remarkable economic and social progress in the years that followed.

Furthermore, the ENDF’s presence in Rwanda during the country’s darkest hour was a testament to its unyielding dedication to global peace. Amid the horrific genocide, the ENDF’s contingent worked tirelessly to protect civilians, provide humanitarian aid, and support the efforts to bring normalcy. The ENDF’s actions during this period were instrumental in laying the groundwork for Rwanda’s remarkable recovery and transformation into the thriving, peaceful nation it is today.

International Acclaim

From the scorching deserts of Darfur to the Korean peninsula, the blue helmets of Ethiopia’s peacekeepers have become a symbol of hope and security. As the world grapples with complex conflicts, the international community continues to recognize Ethiopia’s steadfast commitment to global peace and stability, setting an inspiring example for others to follow.

The success of Ethiopia’s peac
ekeeping operations has not gone unnoticed by the international community. The United States has repeatedly expressed gratitude for the role the Ethiopian National Defense Force plays in regional stability.

Canada has also commended Ethiopia’s remarkable work in empowering and enhancing the participation of women in peacekeeping missions, with Larisa Galadza, the Peace and Stabilization Director-General of Global Affairs Canada, lauding the country’s leadership in gender equality as Ethiopia has also notably made strides in promoting gender parity within its peacekeeping contingents.

In 2016, the country reached 16% women’s participation, surpassing the UN’s target of 20% by 2020. This inclusive approach enhances the peacekeepers’ ability to connect with local communities and address the unique needs of women and children.

Furthermore, the United Nations has described Ethiopia as one of its “strongest partners” in peacekeeping, with the UN Under-Secretary-General Jean-Pierre Lacroix recognizing the country
‘s invaluable contribution. The success of the Ethiopian peacekeeping mission in the disputed region of Abyei has also been celebrated, with the mission receiving a medal reward from the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA).

Commitment to International Peace

Ethiopia’s steadfast commitment to global peacekeeping, combined with its impressive track record of success and the international recognition it has received, is a testament to the country’s dedication to promoting stability and security around the world. As the country continues to play a vital role in UN and AU peacekeeping missions, its legacy as a beacon of peace will undoubtedly inspire generations to come.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has reaffirmed Ethiopia’s commitment to this noble cause, stating that the Ethiopian army has sacrificed life and limb to protect the peace of all peoples, and that the country’s defense forces are “symbols of peace wherever they go.”

Today, Ethiopia stands as the top contributor of peacekeeping f
orces globally, with over 8,300 uniformed personnel serving in various missions. This remarkable achievement underscores the nation’s profound belief in the transformative power of peace and stability, and its unwavering dedication to fostering a more just and peaceful world.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

ENA Vows to Play Part for Successful Implementation of Green Dev’t Strategy

Addis Ababa: The Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) pledges to continue rendering its effective contributions towards the successful implementation the national green development strategy which is a viable tool to pull the nation out of the social psychology of dependence and pave the way towards national prosperity.

A panel discussion organized by ENA under the theme ‘Green Development for Sustainable Prosperity’ held in Dire Dawa City today.

Members of the House of Peoples’ Representatives, officials from the federal government and Dire Dawa City Administration, representatives of local and international organizations working on climate change, leaders of media houses and professionals on the issue of the environment and invited guests presided over the panel discussion.

The panel discussed on range of issues including the role of media in addressing climate change.

Speaking on the occasion, the CEO of ENA Seife Deribe said that the ongoing national green legacy agenda has been nurturing the culture of environ
mental protection among the Ethiopians in addition to its vast contribution to mitigating desertification and flooding by planting trees.

The country is engaged in preparing and planting billions of tree seedlings with the objective of preventing the devastative effects of flood and desertification as strategies of environmental protection by mobilizing all communities, he added.

Hence, Seife stated that the launching of tree planting program has become a day which all Ethiopians look upon to happen every year.

After the inception of the national reform program and following the exemplary role played by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, the event has become an occasion on which regional governments and city administrations come together to make the issue of national green legacy initiative as a hub of convergence and point of intersection,, the CEO added.

He said that the strategy has become instrumental in effectively detesting dependency and working towards sustained national prosperity under the theme ‘ Let u
s Plant Today for Tomorrow’ in depicting and fostering unity on our common agenda with steadfastness and cooperation in planting 500 million tree seedlings in a single day last year setting a global record for the country in building a livable Ethiopia for all citizens.

The CEO noted that wide range of preparations and programs are underway this year to implement the National Green Legacy Initiative to be implemented at national level.

According to him, the Green Legacy Initiative aims at transferring a preferable green ecosystem to the coming generation, retaining and using our natural resources, to effectively combat the effects of climate change, promoting the agricultural sector on crop and livestock production, prevention of sporadic floods and other related natural and manmade calamities, Seife elaborated.

He further noted that the Initiative will enhance patriotic self-reliance and prevention of dependency syndrome.

Seife stressed that media houses play a greater role in further promoting Ethiopia’
s globally recognized green legacy initiative and the role the country is playing at the international and regional level in curbing the effects of climate change by setting a practical example for the neighboring countries and the nations across the world.

He added that ENA is according a greater focus on making the issue of the Green Legacy Initiative as public agenda to roll back the social psychology of dependence and promotion of national prosperity.

The CEO of ENA remarked that his Agency has prepared 13 panel discussions in Addis Ababa and regional states on various issues and the current panel discussion underway is the 14th focusing on Green Legacy.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency