Efforts to Modernize Air Traffic Management, Regulatory System Contributing to Airline’s Success: NISS

Addis Ababa: The National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) said efforts being carried out to modernize air traffic management system and strengthen regulatory frameworks are contributing to the airline’s success.

Ethiopian Civil Aviation International Security Audit began in Addis Ababa today.

The international audit is underway for the first time under the coordination of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) in partnership with the International Civil Aviation Organization.

The opening of the audit was attended by senior government officials from NISS, Information Network Security Administration (INSA), Immigration and Citizenship Service, Ministry of Transport and Logistics, and Civil Aviation Authority among others.

On the occasion, Deputy General Director of NISS, Sisay Tola stated that one of the reasons that has made the Ethiopian Airlines the pride of Africa beyond Ethiopia is that its high priority given to render safe aviation services.

Ethiopia prioritizes sustainable g
rowth while upholding the highest standard of aviation security, Sisay indicated.

According to him, the government of Ethiopia is investing in infrastructures, cutting edge technologies and manpower trainings to detect and deter potential threats.

He said modernization efforts in air traffic management system and strengthening regulatory frameworks continue to be the airline’s success.

Ethiopian takes in its role as a leading institution in the aviation sector within Africa and maintains a close partnership with international civil aviation organization for decade, he added.

Aviation Security Sector Director at NISS, Asrat Kejela said Ethiopia has proven track records of hosting and successfully completed audits conducted by various international reputable organizations including America, France, UK, and Canada among other with great achievements.

These audits serve as a testament to Ethiopia’s unwavering commitment to transparency, accountability, and adherences to the global aviation security standards
, the director noted.

The audit will be conducted over the coming ten days at the Addis Ababa International Airport and other airports in the country.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia’s Renewable Energy Serves Neighboring Countries

Addis Ababa: Minister of Water and Energy Habtamu Itefa has stressed the need to strengthen international partnerships and the participation of the private sector in Ethiopia’s renewable energy development which will serve neighboring countries as well.

The Accelerated Partnership for Renewables in Africa (APRA) country consultation workshop for Ethiopia was held in Addis Ababa today.

Comprising a consortium of African governments and stakeholders, including Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana, Namibia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and Zimbabwe, with support from Denmark, Germany, UAE, and the US, APRA is spearheading efforts to expedite the deployment of renewables-based energy systems.

Addressing the workshop Habtamu said that the main objective of the meeting is to ensure comprehensive consultations towards determining the common implementation strategy and action plan that will support accelerate Ethiopia’s energy transition.

Ethiopia has significant renewable energy potential with hydropower estimated at 45 gigawatts wh
ile wind and geothermal have a combined potential capacity of 15 gigawatts, he revealed.

The country has taken the initiative to build the biggest hydropower dam in Africa with a capacity of 5.1 gigawatts will not only serve the country but also the neighboring countries, the minister affirmed.

For Habtamu, Ethiopia fully supports the APRA initiative and recognizes the potential it holds to drive a resilient and inclusive green growth in Africa through renewables.

‘We believe that three APRA areas of mobilizing finance, activating technical assistance, and capacity building and engaging the private sector will be especially important to transform Ethiopia’s energy sector in line with our priorities.’

Noting that international partnerships will help ensure the country receives effective support mechanisms, he said the government’s initiatives on policies such as the Private-Public Partnership is one of the many measures undertaking to enhance the private sector participation.

Head of APRA Secretariat Safi
atou Alzouma said APRA recognizes the importance of aligning the national priorities and frameworks of African countries ensuring that initiatives are not only relevant but also sustainable in the long-term.

APRA engagement includes country consultations, as well as the development of national action plans encompassing all necessary interventions essential to expedite the nations’ journey towards ambitious renewable energy development and green grow, she stated.

Today’s gathering will set the stage for APRA’s intervention in Ethiopia, she affirmed.

‘Ethiopia is endowed with huge renewable energy potential mainly hydro. If you look at the power mix of the country, it is over 90 percent of hydro. So Ethiopia can play a big role, a role of balance for the region,’ she noted.

Ethiopia is successfully supplying energy to its neighboring countries of Sudan, Djibouti and Kenya.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopian Startup Awards Launched in Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa: The Ethiopian Startup Awards has been launched today with the objective to encourage innovative entrepreneurs in the country.

The Award Program was co-hosted by the Ministry of Labor and Skills, Global Startup Awards, and the Ministry of Innovation and Technology.

The launching ceremony was held in the presence of senior government officials including Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh and Minister of Labor and Skills Muferihat Kamil.

Speaking on occasion, Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen mentioned about the activities being carried out by the government of Ethiopia to boost Startups to help the country become influential in terms of innovation and technology.

He said attention has been given for the start uppers which are vital for development of other economic sectors.

Furthermore, he mentioned about the month long National Startup event launched by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed recently that attracted over 300 start uppers.

The even had created a platform to exchange knowledge, training, a
nd panel discussion, he underscored.

Acknowledging the positive impacts of innovation and technology, he indicated that those technologically advanced nations are influential in all fields. Ethiopia is aware of this and it has been intensifying reform to further stimulate the sector.

Winners of the Ethiopian Startup Awards are expected participate in a competition that will be held at African level next year in Ethiopia. Continental winners will also be part of the international award competition that is scheduled to take place in Istanbul, Turkeye.

Appreciating the private companies and stakeholders for their unreserved support for the start uppers, he called on to continue their enhanced support.

Temesgen also indicated that the government of Ethiopia has embarked on massive development activities in order to transform the country to a better chapter citing the surplus irrigated wheat production, green development revolution and other infrastructure.

Ministry of Labor and Skills, Muferihat Kamil on her
part said the star up initiative have been demonstrating the capacities of Ethiopian youths in innovations.

The attention given for innovation and creativity has create an opportunity for start uppers to be encouraged as several start uppers are engaging in the business activities, she added.

Start ups have been given the utmost attention in the 10 year development plan of the country, she indicated, mentioning the proclamations enacted to promote the sector.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

PM Abiy’s Bilateral Talks with S. Korean President Will Deepen Historical Ties: GCS

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s recent bilateral discussion with South Korean President, Yoon Suk Yeol will further cement the historical friendship between the two countries, Minister of Government Communication Service (GCS), Legese Tullu said.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and First Lady Zinash Tayachew accompanied by a high-level delegation are in Seoul, South Korea for an official visit where they received a warm welcome on Sunday at the office of South Korean President.

Minister of Government Communication Service told the media that Ethiopia and South Korea share a long-standing historical friendship

According to the minister, this longstanding friendship has been marked by a significant contribution from Ethiopians to the independence of the Republic of Korea during the Korean War.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed during his official working visit to Seoul, South Korea has actively engaged in various activities aimed at deepening this historical friendship.

As South Korea is one of the nations that
has achieved remarkable economic growth over the past five decades, Legese pointed out that Prime Minister Abiy expressed desire to take lessons from this country’s development model.

In this regard, ‘Premier Abiy said in his discussion with the President Yoon Suk Yeol how Ethiopia has to learn a lot from the experience of South Korea.’

Speaking on the economic aspect, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed briefed the president on Ethiopia’s enormous investment opportunities and how it is favorable for investors from South Korea to invest in various spheres, the minister explained.

The premier further urged investors from South Korea to seize the opportunities in Ethiopia by investing in agriculture, manufacturing and mining.

Republic of Korea’s President Yoon Suk Yeol said his country is determined to strengthen its cooperation with Ethiopia.

The president mentioned that the two countries have signed a financing framework agreement as part of the commitment to consolidate their economic ties.

The president also af
firmed his country’s steadfast commitment to enhancing cooperation with Ethiopia across various sectors, underscoring the dedication to bolstering bilateral ties.

The two leaders also thoroughly discussed ways on sharing South Korea’s practice in the field of agriculture, including rice development, with Ethiopia, Legese explained.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Couple appeals for support to raise quadruplets

A civil servant, Mr Ugochukwu Nwogute and his wife, Vivian have appealed to the First Lady, Sen. Oluremi Tinubu and well-meaning Nigerians for support in raising their quadruplets.

The couple, who gave birth to the four babies in a private hospital in Kubwa, Abuja on May 21, made the appeal in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Sunday in Abuja.

Speaking with NAN in the hospital, Mrs Nwogute, said she got married in 2015 and had her first daughter on Nov. 5, 2016.

‘After years of waiting, I became pregnant in Sept. 2023 and was delivered of three boys and one girl through caesarean section at Vinca hospital, Arab Road, Kubwa, Abuja, on May 21.

‘When I was told I was going to have multiple babies, it was a mixed feeling for me.

‘Mixed feelings, because I was not expecting it, but was happy because we have waited for years after our first daughter. So, we were hoping on God and praying and God did more than we expected,” she said.

She added that the hospital billed them about N1.7 milli
on in the first instance, which they were still running around to pay.

‘The babies eat two hourly, they consume almost half of their Pre NAN formula which we were asked to feed them with, and a tin costs N10, 000.

‘We also have follow ups because the paediatrician said after we have been discharged, we are expected to be bringing the babies to the hospital weekly for check up,’ she said

On the babies’ health, Mrs Nwogute said that they were responding to treatment, adding that her recovery was gradual.

‘I am getting stronger because I have relapses. For example, last night I was cold all through and I have treated malaria and because of that, I cannot breastfeed my babies the way I am expected to,” she said.

The husband appealed to the government to come to their aid, financially and in the area of accommodation for a bigger apartment that can be convenient for the family.

‘The journey has not been easy, taking care of a heavily pregnant woman and the only daughter we had eight years back.

‘When the b
abies came, I was not expecting such a number, but I give glory to God for the marvelous thing He has done for us.

‘My appeal to the government and well meaning Nigerians is for them to come to our aid.

‘We need financial support to take care of the babies as well as, in the area of accommodation, because the apartment we are currently occupying cannot contain us anymore,’ he said.

Nwogute, specifically appealed to the First Lady, Sen. Oluremi Tinubu, to see the quadruplets as anniversary gifts to the administration of President Bola Tinubu.

He, urged Mrs Tinubu, the FCT Minister of State, Dr Mariya Mahmud as well as the wife of the FCT Minister, Mrs Eberechi Wike, to render assistance to his family

On his part, Dr Chiemezie Odera, an Obstetrician/Gynaecologist at the hospital said it would not be easy, taking care of the children as they would need more hands for their care because the mother would not be able to do it all alone.

Odera, therefore, urged the general public to support the couple so as to
take good care of the babies.

‘Most importantly is care and support after delivery. Any woman that has more than one baby, needs more hands to help out because she might go into depression if you allow her to stay without care.

‘So, we encourage that they have support, people should be around them to help in taking care of the children,” he reiterated.

The obstetrician said that it would not always be easy for the woman as her breast milk would not be enough for the babies.

According to him, Vinca hospital has been doing well in the area of maternal care, and the facility have had series of multiple birth.

Talking about the weight of the babies, he said, for the fact that they might not have weight like single birth, but they were still strong like any other single birth.

‘In the uterus, they shared what was available, so, you don’t expect them to have much weight.

‘But interestingly, those weights, no matter how small they appear compared to single birth, they are still as strong as those single birt
hs without any complication.

‘Though they need to be observed after delivery, but they are doing well. Even if they weigh 1.5kg, they are still as strong as 3kg and above,” he explained.

The Doctor added that there would be need for the babies to be reviewed over time by the paediatrician to see how they were faring.

Odera, while urging the nursing mother to eat well and rest, he advised her not to hesitate in coming back to the facility where the babies were delivered, in case of any issue.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Expert calls for implementation of policies on tobacco consumption

A Clinical Psychologist, Dr Adedotun Ajiboye, says the Federal Government needs to implement policies and programmes that reduce tobacco consumption and protect citizens from exposure to tobacco smoke.

Ajiboye who works with the Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital, Ado Ekiti, said this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) on Sunday in Abuja.

He was speaking against the backdrop of the World No Tobacco Day 2024 marked annually on May 31 with the theme ‘Protecting Children from the Tobacco Industry Interference.’

Ajiboye said tobacco was one of the top single greatest causes of preventable deaths globally.

He said smoking could lead to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), cancer of the lungs, larynx, and mouth pancreatic cancer; and hypertension.

Ajiboye said the Nicotine in cigarettes could lead to addiction or substance use disorder adding that tobacco was a significant cause of miscarriages among pregnant smokers.

‘Tobacco can lead to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), t
he fetal brain’s ability may be reduced when exposed to cigarettes.

‘ Incidence of impotence is approximately 85 per cent higher in male smokers compared to male non – smokers.

He said smoking was a key factor in causing erectile dysfunction, adding that tobacco smoking led most commonly to disease affecting the heart , liver, lungs, etc.

‘Based on the health effects revealed above, the government has a huge role to play in reducing preventable deaths caused by tobacco by implementing policies and programmes that reduce tobacco consumption.

‘Also implementing policies that protect citizens from exposure to tobacco smoke.’

Ajiboye suggested some key roles of government to include tobacco taxation, by raising taxes on tobacco products to make them less affordable and reduce consumption.

He said the government should enact laws that prohibit smoking in public places, workplaces, and public transportation, and implement standards for tobacco products, such as warning labels and ingredient disclosure.

ye said that there should also be awareness campaigns to educate the public about the dangers of tobacco use and providing resources and support for individuals trying to quit tobacco.

‘There should be youth access restrictions by enacting laws to prevent the sale of tobacco products to minors.

‘There should be monitoring and surveillance by the government through collection of data on tobacco use and related health effects to inform policy decisions.

‘Regulation of tobacco advertising by restricting or banning tobacco advertising to prevent promotion to youth and others.’

He said the government should also support tobacco research by funding research on tobacco use and its health effects to inform policy and treatment development.

The clinical psychologist said the federal government should collaborate with other countries to share best practices and coordinate efforts to reduce global tobacco use.

‘By taking these steps, the government can effectively reduce the health impacts of tobacco and protect c
itizens’ health.’

Ajiboye said World No Tobacco Day 2024 is a vital global event aimed at highlighting the health risks associated with tobacco use and advocating for effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption.

He said this year’s theme emphasised protecting children from the tobacco industry’s practices, ensuring a healthier future for the next generation.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria