Ethiopia is Chinese Gateway to Africa, IFA Executive Director Says

Addis Ababa: A delegation led by the Executive Director for Institute of Foreign Affairs (IFA) Jafar Bedru participated in a high-level international conference in Shanghai, China from 27-28 June 2024.

The conference titled ‘Building Global Development Transition Partnership in Africa: The Roles of MDBs and China’ was hosted by the Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS) in collaboration with China Society for African Studies.

The high-level international conference had four major themes aligned with strengthening the China-Africa Cooperation.

The conference highlighted the various roles China has been playing in Africa’s development and vice versa.

The future of China-African relations that need to be strengthened were also issues highlighted in the conference.

The Executive Director IFA, Jafar Bedru in his Key Note address stressed the urgent need for further China-Africa Cooperation.

He underlined that Ethiopia has been benefiting from China-Africa relations, especially in green transitio
ns with the subsequent construction of Industrial parks.

Jafar also mentioned the bilateral relations between Ethiopia and China that progressed over the years and currently reached an all-weather strategic partnership. He also, stressed that Ethiopia is the Chinese gateway to Africa.

The Conference was attended by government representatives, executives, researchers, and policymakers invited from around Africa and China, according to IFA.

Other Ethiopian think tanks such as the Ethiopian Policy Studies Institute (PSI) and the Addis Ababa University Institute for Development Research (IDR) were also in attendance.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Defense Minister Aisha Holds Talks with French Ambassador to Ethiopia

Addis Ababa: Minister of Defense Aisha Mohammed conferred on Thursday with French Ambassador to Ethiopia, Remi Marechaux.

The two sides discussed military cooperation to be consolidated between Ethiopia and France in the future.

According to the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF), Ethiopia and France have a long-standing military cooperation in many ways.

On that day, French Ambassador to Ethiopia, Remi Marechaux delivered the congratulatory message which was sent to Defense Minister Aisha from her French counterpart.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

House Reaffirms Continued Support to National Dialogue Commission

Addis Ababa: The House of People’s Representatives (HPR) has reaffirmed continued support to the activities of the National Dialogue Commission.

The House has discussed the performance of the commission and future focus areas today.

House Speaker Tagesse Chaffo, Justice Minister Gedion Timothewos, Government Chief Whip Tesfaye Beljige, National Dialogue Chief Commissioner Professor Mesfin Araya and members of the HPR attended the discussion.

On the occasion, the chief commissioner explained about the performance carried out by the commission.

According to him, the agenda setting consultative chapter held in Addis Ababa was successful and would serve as a strong foundation to the next activities of the commission.

Professor Mesfin further stated that a lot of work has been done to make the consultation inclusive.

He said the commission would further consolidate its inclusive approach and added that it should be supported as much as possible.

In particular, he asked the House members to provide the neces
sary assistance for increased participation of women.

The chief commissioner underscored that the commission has been fulfilling its responsibilities independently and pointed out that the door of the commission is open to any person.

Government Chief Whip Tesfaye Beljige stressed the need to recognize the achievements of the commission.

Highlighting the need to provide support for the commission, he pointed out the key measures taken by the government to create an enabling environment to expand the democratic environment in the country.

According to him, this effort is bearing fruit.

HPR Speaker Tagesse Chaffo said the House will continue providing support for the successful conduct of the dialogue.

The agenda setting consultative chapter in Addis Ababa held four weeks ago will be conducted in all the 12 regions and the Dire Dawa City Administration as well as at federal and diaspora levels, it was learned.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia, Italy Need to Work Together to Enhance Bilateral Relations: Italian Senate Craxi

Addis Ababa: Italy Senate Foreign Affairs and Defense Commission President, Senator Stefania Craxi, has emphasized the importance of enhancing bilateral relations between Ethiopia and Italy today.

Italian parliamentary delegation led by Senator Craxi held discussion with members of the Foreign Relations and Peace Affairs Standing Committee of the House of People’s Representatives (HPR).

Ethiopia and Italy need to strengthen collaboration in order to foster deeper bilateral friendship and effectively address a wide array of global challenges that impact both nations and the international community, she said.

According to the president, the problems facing the two countries — climate change, migration, and poverty reduction, are similar, adding that addressing these issues requires political commitment from both sides.

“Our presence today demonstrates our commitment to working together with Ethiopia in various areas of common interest,” she stated.

Senator Craxi pointed out that Ethiopia’s status as a fa
st-growing economy has attracted Italy’s attention.

By attracting more Italian companies, Ethiopia can achieve better economic development and create a better environment for all.

“Given that Sub-Saharan Africa has become a challenging region, we believe Ethiopia plays a crucial role in ensuring peace and stability in East Africa.”

HPR Foreign Relations and Peace Affairs Standing Committee Chairperson, Dima Nego, said Ethiopia shares a common stance with Italy on issues such as migration, climate change, and other global concerns that require cooperation among all countries in the world.

Ethiopia highly values its relationship with Italy, considering Italy as its closest friend, he stated, appreciating Italy for understanding Ethiopia during difficult times and for extending support to various programs.

The chairman further noted that Italian companies have been active in Ethiopia, contributing to the country’s development.

Notably, Salini Impregilo has been engaged in developing the energy sector in Et
hiopia over the past decade, he stated.

Dima also explained to the delegation about the efforts the Ethiopian government is undertaking to ensure peace and stability across the country.

Finally, the Italian parliamentary delegation invited the standing committee to visit Italy and engage in similar discussions on various issues of common interest.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

PM Abiy, DPM Temesgen Meet Former African Footballers , Famous Artists

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh met tonight with former African footballers and famous artists from the continent, influencers, and renowned designers who arrived in Ethiopia to participate in the Shenen Africa Festival.

Ethiopia’s Minister of Tourism, Ambassador Nasise Chali and Minister of Culture and Sport Kajela Merdassa inaugurated ‘Shenen Africa Festival’ at the Adwa Victory Memorial Museum in Addis Ababa earlier today in the presence of several dignitaries.

The prime minister and deputy prime minister met with former African footballers known for playing in the English Premier League and various European clubs, according to Office of the Prime Minister.

Ethiopian coffee varieties, a fashion show, and other activities are scheduled for the festival, which will take place in the coming three days.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency