Young innovators get $40,000 to transform agriculture in Nigeria

he AYuTe Africa Challenge in Nigeria, an enterprise programme, has awarded 40,000 dollars in grants to three young agric-tech innovators to use technology in improving farming methods and food production in Nigeria.

Dr Lekan Tobe, Country Director, Heifer International, made this known at the grand finale of the 2024 AYuTe Africa Challenge Nigeria on Thursday in Abuja.

Tobe said that the initiative would encourage innovators to leverage technology to achieve transformation in Nigeria’s agricultural sector.

‘Leveraging youth and technology presents an opportunity for the transformation of agriculture, ensuring food security, youth employment, and economic development.

‘It is technology that is helping us to close the yield gap, and create sustainable value chains, reduce post-harvest loss, and increase fertiliser, water and soil use efficiency.

‘It also helps smallholder farmers to be better organised and to build improved strength to engage with the market,’ he said.

According to him, the competition se
rves as a springboard for identifying and supporting outstanding young agritech innovators for visibility, growth and increased productivity for smallholder farmers.

He added that through a regional competition, Heifer International awarded 1.5 million dollars annually to leading agritech innovators across Africa.

Prof. Akeem Oyerinde, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Abuja, emphasised the role of youths in leveraging technology to transform the agriculture system in the country.

‘We all need to rejuvenate agriculture to where it belongs.

‘Each and every one of you can key into any agricultural products and business by using various technologies.

‘A technology like the mobile phone can be used to promote productivity and address some of the challenges affecting smallholder farmers in Nigeria,’ he said.

Also, Daniel Bature, Director, Technical Services, Nasarawa State Agricultural Development, urged youths to utilise technology and create innovations that would develop Nigeria’s agriculture se

Femi Oluwagbemi, Special Adviser to the Minister of Labour and Employment, said that with agriculture, young people could easily get into the process of job creation, self employment and organise themselves into cooperatives.

‘By doing so, they will have the chance to access funding from programmes such as this,’ he said.

Manir Umar, Special Adviser to the Minister of Agriculture and Food Security on Youth and Agric. Business, said that collaboration with stakeholders would ensure the implementation of policies in Nigeria.

‘The government can create policies, but cannot be the implementers. So, we try to collaborate with stakeholders to ensure efforts like this are being strengthened.

‘Youths are the drivers of the agricultural revolution. So, the ministry is giving a lot of focus to the Renewed Hope Agenda,’ he said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the beneficiaries include: Ruth Ede of Scratop Nigeria Ltd., who was awarded 20,000 dollars grants for her innovation in converting bio
waste into nutrients-rich bio fertilisers.

Akpem Shadrach of Vet Konect, a digital animal health company, secured 12,000 dollars for his innovation in providing comprehensive care for livestock farmers across Africa via mobile devices using AI tools to boost productivity.

Also, Chinasu Stephanie -Meltus of Scarecrow Green Eden’s 4th industrial revolution, got 8,000 dollars for using technology in combating climate change effects and increasing farming efficiency for smallholder farmers.

Ede, the highest beneficiary, told NAN she would use the grant to improve access to nutrients-rich bio-fertiliser for farmers to boost their production.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Why military should exploit artificial intelligence- CNS

he Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), Vice Adm. Emmanuel Ogalla, has called for the Armed Forces of Nigeria to exploit the potentials of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to achieve operational efficiency in their operations.

Ogalla made the call at the Second Quarter 2024 Defence Headquarters and Services Departments/Branches Transformation Seminar on Thursday in Abuja.

The theme of the seminar is ‘Harnessing Artificial Intelligence as a Transformation Tool in Contemporary Military Operations’.

According to him, the seminar came at a time the armed forces was exploiting transformational and innovative initiatives toward enhancing operational efficiency in line with best practices.

Ogalla said the complexity of security challenges across the nation underscored the need for innovative strategies and initiatives, adding that emphasis had been on modernisation of hardware and equipment for enhanced national security.

He said the technological innovations required extensive application of artificial intelligence in conj
unction with research and development.

‘We are cautious of the fact that the application of artificial intelligence has permeated all spheres of human endeavor, particularly in the field of finance, medical, space, technology, agriculture, logistics, among several other areas.

‘It is in fact the future of military operations and we must, therefore, ensure that the Armed Forces of Nigeria meets up with this evolving technological achievement.

‘Our armed forces must, therefore, prioritise artificial intelligence in order to achieve the desired innovation and transformation for enhanced operational readiness and effectiveness.

‘This is the desired goal which you, as leaders of the transformation branch of the various services, must work to actualise.

‘I therefore encourage us to use these two days to brainstorm on critical issues and challenges inherent in the application of artificial intelligence for improved operational efficiency.

‘This is because everything that has advantages must have some disadvant

‘So as much as we want to exploit the advantages of AI, we must also be able to surmount those inherent challenges and disadvantages that could arise from them,’ he said.

The Chief of Naval Transformation and Innovation, Rear Adm. Michael Oamen, said the seminar was designed to explore viable options for integrating artificial intelligence as a veritable tool for improving operational effectiveness in the armed forces.

Oamen said it was aimed at identifying and encouraging innovations, as well as research and development with a view to building capacity and capabilities of the armed forces in support of national security imperatives.

According to him, the second quarter’s seminar has been programmed for two days to cover topics on artificial intelligence in defence transformation, a potential tool for enhancing operational efficiency in the armed forces.

‘It is hoped that proceedings from this seminar will serve as a veritable platform for charting workable strategies.

‘This will improve the integ
ration of artificial intelligent defence research and development, as well as drive transformational and innovative aspirations in the services,’ he added.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

PMO Advises Public to be Cautious of Fake Content Pertaining to MOU with Somaliland

Addis Ababa: The Office of the Prime Minister advised the public to be cautious of fake content that is currently circulating online pertaining to an MOU with Somaliland.

Official communications regarding local, regional, and international matters are only disseminated through the PMO’s official channels.

‘We urge everyone to remain vigilant against such fake content that misuses our official logo,’ Office of the Prime Minister added.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia’s Council of Ministers Approves Draft Bills, Policies

Addis Ababa: In a wide-ranging session held today, Ethiopia’s Council of Ministers has approved bills and policies aimed at reforming various sectors of the country’s economy and governance.

The council, in its 37th ordinary session held today greenlit a new Animal Health and Welfare Proclamation, designed to boost Ethiopia’s international livestock trade by implementing stricter health monitoring and disease control measures.

Office of the Prime Minister said in a statement that the draft bill is prepared to identify the overall resources of livestock, protect livestock health and safety as well as preventing the transmissions of diseases from animal to human and human to animal.

It also aspires to institute a viable system to adequately control transboundary animal diseases and ensure livestock development.

This move is expected to enhance the country’s competitiveness in global markets while safeguarding animal welfare and ensuring the economic benefits of stakeholders in the sector.

The Council has d
iscussed on the draft bill and unanimously referred it to the House of Peoples Representative for approval.

In a step towards protecting Ethiopian workers abroad, the council has also approved the ratification of a labor agreement signed between the governments of Ethiopia with Kuwait.

This agreement will provide legal protections for Ethiopian domestic workers in the Gulf state, addressing longstanding concerns about worker rights and safety.

The Council referred the agreement, which is also believed to enhance the bilateral relations of the two countries, to the House of Peoples Representative for approval.

The Council has also discussed on draft policy of Cybersecurity which has been developed with a view to make the previous policy compatible to the existing global, continental and national situations.

These measures aim to enhance the country’s preparedness for the digital age and improve online security for both public and private sectors.

In a forward-looking move, the council also approved Ethio
pia’s first National Artificial Intelligence Policy.

This strategic document outlines the country’s approach to developing and implementing AI technologies across various domains, from entertainment to national security.

The Council has unanimously decided for the policies to be effective immediately.

Healthcare was another major focus of the session. The council approved a new Health Proclamation to improve access to medical services, as well as establishing a Medicine Fund and Ethiopian Medicine Supply Service. These initiatives are designed to ensure a steady supply of affordable, quality medications to the public.

Finally, recognizing the importance of sustainable healthcare financing, the council passed a comprehensive Health Finance Strategy.

This plan aims to secure consistent funding for Ethiopia’s healthcare system, aligning with global sustainable development goals.

The Council has discussed on the bills and unanimously referred them to the House for approval.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethio-Telecom, Addis Ababa University to Establish Smart Classrooms

Addis Ababa: Telecom and Addis Ababa University have signed partnership agreement to implement Smart Campus project by establishing smart classrooms and other cutting edge solutions vital to learning activities.

Ethio-Telecom CEO, Frehiwot Tamiru and acting President of the Addis Ababa University, Samuel Kifle signed the agreement.

The agreement aims at ensuring education quality and inclusiveness; it was indicated on the occasion.

Enhancing access to educational materials and improving the conduct of laboratory testing by establishing smart classrooms is also the objective of the agreement.

Additionally, exams are administered in the smart classrooms, and results are promptly made public.

Installations of various infrastructures vital to the project will be carried out as part of the agreement to ensure the security of the Addis Ababa University Sidist Kilo campus.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia Striving to Ensure Self-sufficiency in Medical Equipment, Pharmaceuticals

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia is focusing on being self-reliant in medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, according to Ministry of Health.

The local medical inputs manufacturing and innovation exhibition recently opened by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed at the Millennium Hall has demonstrated Ethiopia’s encouraging activities to become self-reliant in the production of medical equipment and supplies.

Health State Minister, Frehiwot Abebe told ENA that the ministry is focused on creating a healthy citizenry by engaging in preventive-based curative practices across the country.

The state minister, who said that efforts have been underway to increase the share of local supply of medicine and medical equipment, added that this would also be a big leap toward creating jobs and foreign currency.

According to her, focusing on the development and production of local products will not only ensure economic sovereignty of the country but also help to extricate the nation from dependency in the sector.

She revealed that various
activities are being carried out in this regard in line with the directives set by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

ShieldVax Enterprise, a vaccine producing enterprise, is under construction to locally produce vaccines and replace exported vaccines, Frehiwot further disclosed.

Moreover, actions geared towards ensuring sustained national development in the health sector, and measures supporting local producers in the sector by assisting them to produce quality materials that replace imported items would be strengthened, the state minister added.

She further said ScinticaMed, a medical manufacturing company, has started producing ultrasound machines demonstrating that the nation is actively involved in producing medical equipment.

Recall that Health Minister, Dr. Mekedes Daba stated that activities have been underway to upscale the share of local pharmaceutical industries with 47 percent in accordance with the mid-term plan for development and investment in the health sector.

Ethiopia has already developed a sy
stem of supply of medical inputs, health and pharmaceutical polices to enable the country to become self-sufficient in the sector over time, the minister added.

The nation has managed to locally produce medicine supplies worth 75 million USD this Ethiopian fiscal year, enabling the government to save 53.1 million USD.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency