Agenda Gathering Process Inclusive, Participatory: Coalition of Ethiopian Women Association

Addis Ababa: Coalition of Ethiopian Women’s Association Director Convener of Women’s Voice in the National Dialogue, Saba Gebremedhim, said that the process of collecting agendas for the national consultative process has been observed to be inclusive and participatory.

In an interview with ENA, the director said Women’s Voice in the National Dialogue has been engaged in activities since the beginning of the consultative process in by incorporating more than 50 organizations.

The coalition has stated that it has organized various women’s forums in the districts of Addis Ababa and held discussions on the agendas that should be raised in the consultative process.

Stating that the national dialogue agenda setting process initiated in the city has ensured inclusiveness by involving various segments of the society including women, and that it has been a participatory process, she said everyone needs to play a positive role for its successful continuation until the end.

The Director, who mentioned that the discu
ssions held during the current agenda setting process will lay the foundation for the main national dialogue, underscored that the dialogue is crucial to creating consensus through democratic and peaceful means and to bring about justice.

She stressed that all segments of the society need to properly utilize the national consultative process, which presents a great opportunity to permanently resolve conflicts and other fundamental challenges facing the country, and work responsibly for its success.

Saba Gebremedhim called on women to actively participate in the efforts to ensure lasting peace as they are part of the solution.

The Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission, which was established by Proclamation No. 1265/2014 to conduct inclusive national dialogues on fundamental national issues to build better national consensus, has now embarked on implementing the third phase.

The inclusive national consultative process has phases of pre-preparation, preparation, consultative process, implementation and moni

The agenda setting process, which is part of the consultative phase, was officially launched last Wednesday in Addis Ababa, and representatives of various community groups have concluded three days of discussions on agenda items.

Accordingly, they have identified the agendas they want to be discussed in the consultations at the city administration level and submitted them to the Commission. The Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission announced that they have elected 121 representatives to present their agendas during the national dialogue.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia Provides Training for South Sudanese Diplomats

Addis Ababa: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia and the Institute of Foreign Affairs organized a training program for South Sudanese diplomats.

The 20 diplomats who are departing Juba on 03 June 2024 to attend the training offered by the collaboration of IFA and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia are expected to serve as a vital link in enhancing relations and mutual growth between the two brotherly countries.

During the briefing session which was taken place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of South Sudan, the Undersecretary of the Ministry, Ambassador John Samue highlighted the significance of this training.

The training not only does enhance capacity building but also strengthen the diplomatic relations between the two countries, he said.

In the same vein, Nebil Mahdi, Ethiopian Ambassador to South Sudan congratulated the diplomats and pointed out the unwavering commitment of Ethiopia and its leaders to the people of South Sudan.

Thus, the continuous s
upport being extended in various fields for South Sudan is a demonstration of solidifying the historic relations between our two countries, he said.

In this regard, the Ambassador explained that Ethiopia has been working aggressively to promote economic cooperation with South Sudan through infrastructure development such as roads and electricity, among others.

Finally, the Ambassador advised the diplomats to attend the training actively and to visit Addis Ababa as it is one of the fastest growing city in Africa.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

PM Abiy Calls for Seizing Opportunity of National Dialogue

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has underscored the significance of the ongoing national dialogue process, calling on all Ethiopians to seize this opportunity to achieve a comprehensive victory by resolving outstanding issues through discussion.

In a message posted on his Face-book page, the Prime Minister reflected on Ethiopia’s past experiences with conflict and missed opportunities for dialogue.

He stated, “We have experienced war. We have solved some of our problems. We have repeated uprisings. We have solved some problems. However, the remaining path to address the unsolved problems is through dialogue. We have not tried this path.”

Acknowledging the limitations of war and uprisings, PM Abiy noted, “War and uprisings do not bring a complete solution as they create winners and losers. The defeated will continue to struggle to defeat, while the victor will strive to maintain their victory.”

He contrasted this with dialogue, stating, “Dialogue, on the other hand, makes everyone a winner. Even if
we were once defeated, we all fought for our country.”

The Prime Minister outlined three key benefits of the dialogue process saying ” It will solve, if not all, at least the major outstanding problems.

According to him, the dialogue will promote a culture of dialogue rather than conflict.

It will foster rapprochement and consensus among opposing forces, he said, adding this rapprochement will enable continued engagement on issues in the future.

Urging Ethiopians not to squander this opportunity, PM Abiy appealed, “I ask that we do not miss this chance to achieve a comprehensive victory.”

The Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission, which was established by Proclamation No. 1265/2014 to conduct inclusive national dialogues on fundamental national issues to build better national consensus, has now embarked on implementing the third phase.

The inclusive national consultative process has phases of pre-preparation, preparation, consultative process, implementation and monitoring.

The agenda setting process
, which is part of the consultative phase, was officially launched last Wednesday in Addis Ababa, and representatives of various community groups have concluded three days of discussions on agenda items.

Accordingly, they have identified the agendas they want to be discussed in the consultations at the city administration level and submitted them to the Commission.

They have elected 121 representatives to present their agendas during the national dialogue.

The Commission revealed that the dialogue will next move to the regional states.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Gov’t Committed to Implementing Consensus Reached through National Dialogue: PM Abiy Ahmed

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has declared his government’s commitment to implementing the consensus that would be reached through the national dialogue.

At the inaugural session of the nationwide agenda setting consultative chapter held at the Adwa Victory Memorial Museum today, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed took part as a stakeholder representing the government.

In his remarks at the event, the premier said Ethiopia is a country that has been experiencing wars and facing numerous challenges.

Dialogue is the solution to break this vicious history of war and upheaval, the premier noted.

“Today is a new chapter for Ethiopia,” the PM said, calling for active participation of all in this new chapter.

According to him, the aim of the national dialogue is to make Ethiopia a nation of hope by strengthening unity instead of division.

He further pointed out that properly utilizing this rare and historic opportunity for dialogue will make all winners. The prime minister urged all stakeholders not to miss th
is opportunity.

Stressing that the government has no intention of interfering in any way with the work of the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission, Abiy expressed his belief that the commissioners with extensive knowledge and experience have also no other desire than to work for the benefit of the country.

The prime minister pledged that the government is determine to implement the consensus reached through the dialogue.

In the case of agendas we do not agree, they will be subject to a referendum. And after the decision of the people, we all must respect the decision, he stressed.

Abiy stated that attempts to resolve differences and disagreements by force only create temporary winners and losers, failing to provide a lasting solution to the challenges.

He concluded that through this dialogue Ethiopia will emerge victorious without any losers.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Nat’l Dialogue Commission Launches Countrywide Agenda Setting Consultations

Addis Ababa: The Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission has initiated a nationwide agenda setting consultative chapter in Addis Ababa with the gathering of representatives from all stakeholder groups.

The nationwide agenda setting consultative chapter kickoff in the presence of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed at the Adwa Victory Memorial Museum.

Representatives of the community, political parties, the legislative, executive, and judiciary as well as institutions and associations, influential persons were also in attendance.

Addressing the inaugural session, Chief Commissioner Mesfin Araya welcomed the attendees to the inclusive and participatory preparatory phase marking the entry into the dialogue process and agenda setting consolidation stage.

The chief commissioner reflected on the commission’s journey since its establishment by overcoming numerous challenges while steadfastly working towards the long-awaited goal of rapprochement and consensus.

He further stated that the commission has thus far facilitated
the selection of representatives for the agenda setting consultative chapter in over 1,000 districts across ten regions and 2 city administrations and commenced the process has in Addis Ababa City Administration.

Mesfin revealed that similar agenda setting consultations would follow in all regions and the Dire Dawa City Administration where participant selections have taken place.

Participants identification and selection are ongoing in the Amhara and Tigray regions.

The chief commissioner expressed his belief that the contemporary youth will leave behind a better legacy of peace and development by learning from the mistakes of the previous generations.

Moreover, he humbly appealed to the youth to transform the agenda setting platform from a grievance-venting space into an ideation and solution-generating forum, enabling a transition from a culture of conflict to a peaceful life.

The chief commissioner stated that the commission is striving to keep the door of dialogue open for all parties, regardless of
location, and find national solutions to the country’s challenges.

Any Ethiopian can submit their agenda to the commission individually or collectively during this agenda setting process, he emphasized, affirming the inclusiveness, transparency, and credibility of the process.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia’s Ambassador Highlights Africa’s Remarkable Surge in Digital Drowth

Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Ambassador in India, Demeke Atnafu underscored Africa’s remarkable surge in digital growth, transforming various aspects of its socio-economic landscape.

Ambassador Demeke made the remark at the International Conference on Digital Growth in Africa to celebrate Africa Day 2024 at University of Delhi, organized by the Department of African Studies, according to Embassy of Ethiopia in New Delhi.

As a Chief Guest, the ambassador delivered speech on the topic with prelude to the important of celebrating African Day with reference to independent movement in Africa.

Ambassador Demeke underscored Africa’s remarkable surge in digital growth, transforming various aspects of its socio-economic landscape.

From the expansion of mobile connectivity to the proliferation of e-commerce platforms and the emergence of tech startups, digital technologies are reshaping how Africans interact, communicate, and do business.

With regard to Ethiopia, Ambassador Demeke highlighted that as a fast-growing econ
omy, digitization is at the core of everything in Ethiopia, such as in agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, and services.

In 2020 Ethiopia initiated Digital Ethiopia 2025, a strategy that aims to leverage digitally enabled pathways to foster inclusive national prosperity through boosting economic growth, enhancing public services, and fostering social development.

Telecommunication reforms, including the liberalization of the telecom sector in 2020, have introduced competition, improved services, and made internet access more accessible and affordable.

In his concluding remark, Ambassador Demeke emphasized that through strengthened Africa -India relations, we can create a future where both regions thrive in the digital era.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency