Duck Creek Technologies élève et Cognizant au rang de figures de proue de l’innovation à l’occasion de son Hatch-a-Thon dans le cadre de son événement Formation ’24

Parmi les 40 participants, les partenaires solutions, Glia et Milliman, ainsi que les intégrateurs de systèmes Cognizant, Coforge et Capgemini, tous finalistes, ont présenté leurs solutions innovantes visant à simplifier le secteur de l’assurance.

BOSTON, 24 mai 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dessine les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers), révèle fièrement les lauréats de son « Hatch-a-Thon » annuel, sorte d’expérience collaborative inspirée des incubateurs d’entreprises, à l’occasion de sa conférence Formation ’24. Le partenaire en plateforme d’IA et l’intégrateur de systèmes Cognizant se sont distingués vainqueurs des nombreux participants en présentant leurs solutions révolutionnaires visant la simplification du secteur de l’assurance.

En ouvrant la participation à la troisième édition de son fameux Hatch-a-Thon et à son écosystème à des entités externes, Duck Creek Technologies a constaté une impressionnante variété de candidatures. L’événement a réuni ses équipes internes et la communauté des développeurs autour de la table pour faire éclore de nouvelles idées, simplifier encore davantage l’univers complexe de l’assurance et encourager l’innovation. Les partenaires de l’écosystème ont été invités à présenter des idées axées sur la préservation d’une touche d’humanité dans les métiers du secteur, la recherche de synergies au cœur des opérations d’assurance et l’intégration de technologies en vue d’améliorer l’expérience client.

Le Hatch-a-Thon a enregistré quelque 40 candidatures, un quota non anodin. Les membres du comité d’innovation de Duck Creek, Innovation Anywhere (ou l’innovation tous azimuts) les a toutes soigneusement analysées. L’évaluation s’est fondée sur des critères tels que l’innovation, l’impact des produits, l’impact commercial et l’exécution. Trois finalistes parmi les partenaires solutions,, Glia et Milliman, et trois autres parmi les intégrateurs de systèmes, Capgemini, Coforge et Cognizant, tous particulièrement méritants, ont été sélectionnés et ont eu le privilège de présenter leurs idées en public lors de l’événement Formation ’24. À cette occasion, les participants ont pu assister à la présentation des finalistes et voter en faveur de la solution la plus innovante.

Les grands gagnants du Hatch-a-Thon de l’événement Formation ’24 sont, dans la catégorie des partenaires solutions, et Cognizant, qui remporte la victoire dans la catégorie des intégrateurs de systèmes. L’équipe lauréate de la catégorie des partenaires solutions de cette édition,, a présenté Medical Treatment Compliance with Q&A, sa solution révolutionnaire axée sur l’observance des traitements médicaux via un système de questions-réponses. Ce concept aide les équipes médicales à améliorer le traitement des patients atteints de lésions tout en réduisant les frais à engager auprès des assureurs et en identifiant les plans des prestataires non conformes aux directives. Chez les lauréats de la catégorie des intégrateurs de systèmes, celle de Cognizant a présenté Nextgen Claim Assistant, sa remarquable invention permettant aux experts en sinistres de générer des réponses contextuelles à la lumière d’une expertise significative pour accélérer la prise de décision et le règlement rapide des sinistres.

Pour Luis Amadeo, vice-président directeur de la stratégie produit et de l’innovation chez Duck Creek Technologies, « La détermination sans faille de Duck Creek à encourager les progrès et à simplifier l’univers complexe du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD à l’échelle internationale se reflète dans son engagement envers l’innovation et la collaboration. En se reposant sur des événements tels que le Hatch-a-Thon et un solide écosystème de partenaires, Duck Creek est en mesure de piloter encore plus d’avancées pour ses clients. »

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui trace les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers). Les systèmes d’assurance modernes se reposent sur nos solutions et capitalisent sur le potentiel du cloud pour mener des opérations agiles, intelligentes et pérennes. Authenticité, détermination et transparence, voilà les maîtres-mots de la philosophie de Duck Creek. Pour nous, l’assurance est au service des particuliers et des entreprises, n’importe quand, où, et comment ils en ressentent le plus le besoin. Nos solutions, leaders du marché, sont commercialisées à l’unité ou sous forme de suite packagée, et sont toutes disponibles sur la page : Duck Creek OnDemand. Rendez-vous sur pour en savoir plus. Suivez-nous sur les réseaux pour découvrir nos dernières informations : LinkedIn et X.

Contacts médias :
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9123581

Duck Creek Technologies Homenageia os Campeões da Inovação e Cognizant no Formation ’24 Hatch-a-Thon

Dos 40 participantes, os finalistas do parceiro de solução, Glia e Milliman e os finalistas do integrador de sistemas Cognizant, Coforge e Capgemini apresentaram suas soluções inovadoras com o objetivo de simplificar o setor de seguros

BOSTON, May 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hoje, a Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, anunciou os vencedores da sua anual Hatch-a-Thon no Formation ’24. Entre os inúmeros participantes, o parceiro de soluções e a integradora de sistemas Cognizant emergiram como campeões, apresentando suas soluções inovadoras dedicadas a simplificar o setor de seguros.

A Duck Creek Technologies contou com uma impressionante variedade de inscrições no seu terceiro ano, com participantes externos do ecossistema e participantes da conferência no Hatch-a-Thon. O evento reuniu suas equipes internas e a comunidade de desenvolvedores para criar novas ideias para simplificar ainda mais a complexidade e promover a inovação no setor de seguros. Ele incentivou os parceiros do ecossistema a apresentar ideias focadas na manutenção do toque humano no setor, explorando a sinergia nas operações de seguros e integrando tecnologias para uma melhor experiência do cliente.

A maratona Hatch-a-Thon recebeu 40 inscrições importantes, todas avaliadas de perto pelo comitê Innovation Anywhere da Duck Creek. As inscrições foram avaliadas com base em critérios como inovação, impacto no produto, impacto nos negócios e execução. Três excelentes finalistas de parceiros de soluções,, Glia e Milliman, e três finalistas de integradores de sistemas notáveis, Capgemini, Coforge e Cognizant, foram selecionados para mostrar suas ideias no palco do Formation ’24, onde os participantes tiveram a oportunidade de ver as apresentações dos finalistas e votar na solução mais inovadora.

Os campeões finais do Formation ’24 Hatch-a-Thon foram a na categoria de parceiro de solução e a Cognizant na categoria de integrador de sistemas. A equipe de parceiros de solução vencedora deste ano da apresentou sua solução inovadora, Conformidade de Tratamento Médico com Reivindicações de Perguntas e Respostas, que ajuda as equipes a aprimorar o tratamento de pacientes feridos e reduzir os custos das seguradoras ao sinalizar planos de provedores não conformes em relação às diretrizes, enquanto a equipe de integradores de sistemas vitoriosos da Cognizant apresentou sua impressionante criação, o Nextgen Claim Assistant, que capacita os avaliadores de sinistros a gerar respostas contextuais com insights significativos para acelerar decisões e rápida liquidação de sinistros.

“O compromisso inabalável da Duck Creek em impulsionar avanços e simplificar a complexidade no setor global de seguros de propriedade, acidentes e geral se reflete na sua dedicação em promover a inovação e a colaboração”, disse Luis Amadeo, Vice-Presidente Sênior de Estratégia e Inovação de Produtos da Duck Creek Technologies. “Por meio de eventos como o Hatch-a-Thon e nosso robusto ecossistema de parceiros, a Duck Creek pode incentivar novos avanços para nossos clientes.”

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies é fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponível para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes do mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponíveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite para obter mais informação. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informações – LinkedIn e X.

Contato com a Mídia:
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9123581

Physical training critical to military’s operational readiness – CDS

The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Gen. Christopher Musa, says sporting activities help to sharpen the physical fitness, mental alertness and skills of military personnel to ensure combat readiness.

Musa said this on Friday in Abuja at the Inter-Command Combat Sports Competition organised by the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) as part of the activities to commemorate its 60th Anniversary.

He said the security challenges confronting the nation had made the armed forces to continue to evolve joint training with emphasis on physical training and sports.

He said the sportsmanship exhibited during the keenly contested activities gave credence to the premium placed on sports by the armed forces towards enhancing the combat readiness of personnel.

‘It is my belief, therefore, that the continuity and sustainability of this level of training and competition, coupled with the equipping of the armed forces, the armed forces will develop the required capacity to overcome these challenges.

‘The Nigerian Air Force no doubt pl
aces high premium on sporting activities through the annual ten kilometer walk, route matches, annual fitness test programme and the just concluded combat sports.

‘This effort certainly underscored the value the service has given to the physical and mental health of its personnel.

‘I encourage you to sustain your drive for personal development, taking cognizance of the fact that human capital remains the most critical component of any organisation, as many studies have shown,’ he said.

The CDS congratulated the participants for the display of resilience and spirit of sportsmanship.

He added that the personnel that participated in the combat sports exhibited sacrifice, discipline, self control, team spirit, tenacity, physical and moral courage, as well as the zeal to win.

According to him, these are the same values that are needed to navigate the armed forces and the wider society through tough and difficult times.

‘As Nigeria passes through this defining moment in its history, our armed forces is requir
ed more often than ever before to deliver on its constitutional mandate of securing our dear country.

‘I enjoy you all, therefore, to sustain and improve upon the ideals which you have displayed this evening,’ he added.

The Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar, said having sound physical and mental health was imperative for the armed forces in discharging their constitutional responsibilities.

Abubakar said active participation in sports enabled the personnel to keep physically fit while providing the much-needed outlet to cope with the rigours of military duty.

He added that sports provided a basis for the teamwork needed for troops to function with the necessary cohesion during peacetime military engagements and combat operations.

‘As we all know, warfare is a gruelling experience and the ability to advance long distances with full combat gear through rugged terrains and to fight effectively require strength, agility and stamina from troops.

‘This can only be conditioned through co
mbat sports and rigorous physical fitness training.

‘Hence, active participation in combat sports helps to provide both physiological and psychological benefits that reduce stress, illness and injuries, especially during operations.

‘Accordingly, physical fitness and mental alertness of personnel have become key considerations for the armed forces to meet the increasing demands of current and emerging threats,’ he said.

The CAS said NAF had continued to prioritise the participation of its personnel in sporting activities to enhance the standard and quality of sports and sporting facilities in bases to improve the overall health, well-being and morale of personnel.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the sporting event comprised combat sports, relay races, casualty evacuation race, tug of war, archery and invitation races, amongst others.

The various NAF Commands such as Tactical Air Command, Ground Training Command, Air Training Command, Special Operations Command, Logistics Command, Mobility
Command and NAF Headquarters teams competed.

While the NAF Headquarters emerged the overall winner, the Ground Training Command came second and the Logistics Command came third.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Foundation urges more humanitarian interventions for North-West

The Neem Foundation, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO),has called for more humanitarian interventions in the North-West zone of the country, just like the North-East.

Dr Fatima Akilu, the Executive Director, Neem foundation said in an event tagged ‘ Aid Beyond Politics and according to Need: Overcoming Disparities in Humanitarian Responses in Nigeria.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), reports that the event, organised by NEEM Foundation in collaboration with the Humanitarian Policy Group at ODI, also unveiled a new research highlighting the disparities in humanitarian response across Nigeria’s Northern Regions.

Akilu said that the research revealed the discrepancies in humanitarian responses between the North-East and North-West.

Akilu said this was in spite of the fact that the two zones were faced with similar humanitarian needs, saying the North-West remained critically underserved compared to the North-East.

‘The study highlights that acute malnutrition in the North-West nearly triples that of th
e North-East, with 64 per cent of surveyed Local Government Areas .

‘This This is reporting ‘serious’ acute malnutrition, compared to 22 per cent in the North-East .”

Akilu said that these disparities according to the report were largely due to differing narratives and perceptions of the conflicts in the two zones.

‘The North-East’s conflict, framed as an ideologically-driven insurgency, has attracted significant domestic and international humanitarian attention.

‘In contrast, the North-West’s crisis is often described as ‘endemic banditry’ or ‘lawlessness,’ leading to its deprioritisation.

‘Here, we understood that while the landscape of aid provision in Nigeria is saturated with positive forces that help make the lives of people better, we also recognised that factors internationally and locally often leave certain demographics marginalised and underrepresented,’ he said.

Akilu said that the foundation sought to understand why this happened, whether aid providers were unaware of the situation.

She s
aid that the research underscored the urgent necessity to address the root causes of crises and to provide equitable, needs-based humanitarian aid across all parts of Nigeria.

Presenting the findings of the report, Mr John Bryant, Research Fellow at the Humanitarian Policy Group and co-author of the new study, said that while the North-East had had a major humanitarian response spanning more than a decade, humanitarian efforts in the North-West had been almost entirely absent.

‘The stark differences are primarily a consequence of how respective conflicts are understood in both regions by the state and humanitarian actors.

‘ The North-East is commonly framed as an ideologically- driven insurgency of Islamic extremism, a compelling narrative of an understandable threat that helped galvanise domestic and international attention, including an international humanitarian response.

‘In contrast, the framing of the conflict in the North-West has worked to effectively depoliticise and deprioritise the region’s cri
sis. State and international actors commonly describe the crisis as one of ‘endemic banditry’ or ‘lawlessness’ driven fundamentally by underdevelopment.

‘Both of these characteristics are incomplete and simplistic, but have shaped the perceptions of donors and other actors that in turn drive discrepancies,’ he said.

Bryant said that the research underscored the need for the global humanitarian system to reassess its prioritisation mechanisms, especially as donor budgets shrink and fewer people were being targeted in humanitarian appeals.

He added that the study emphasised that the solution for the North-West should not mirror the North-East response, instead, it advocates for leveraging local humanitarian capacities and supporting state-level authorities to develop more sustainable and effective interventions.

He said the study recommended that state authorities should be the central actors in delivering protection, services and development interventions for affected people.

Bryant added that the study c
alled on humanitarian actors to uphold humanitarian principles, and assistance must be provided on the basis of need.

He said that lessons could and should be learned from the North-East on the responsibility for facilitating a needs-based and principled humanitarian approach among others.

Ms Meghan Diagle ,Senior Research Fellow at Humanitarian Policy Group, ODI, said that the organization is one of the world’s leading teams working on humanitarian issues.

‘ We are dedicated to improving humanitarian policy and practice through a combination of high-quality analysis, dialogue and debate.

‘The partnership we had with Neem foundation has produced a stronger, more interesting and more relevant piece of research that we could not have produced on our own,’ he said.

Diagle stressed the need for international organisations to support local organisations to address the crisis locally by prioritising the adoption of localised approach to encourage local ownership in addressing the crisis and strengthening respo
nse among others.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

FG receives 8,000 interests for renewed hope housing scheme

The Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Ahmed Dangiwa, says the ministry has received about 8,925 expressions of interest for the Renewed Hope Estates and Cities housing scheme.

Dangiwa, said this on Friday in Abuja, at the ministerial briefing on the performance of President Bola Tinubu’s administration in the last one year.

According to him, the 8,925 expression of interest comprises 1,294 for outright purchase, 2,408 for mortgage, 2,184 for rent-to-own and 3,039 for instalment payment.

‘Since the inception of the administration of President Bola Tinubu, and the Renewed Hope Housing programme, we have taken pragmatic steps to fast track the sale and occupation of the housing units across the country.

‘We advertised expression of interest forms with four windows of subscription to give room for all income segments of Nigerians, which include outright payment, mortgage, Rent-to-own and instalment.

‘We received a total of 8,925 Expression of Interest. This comprises 1,294 for Outright Purchase, 2,4
08 for Mortgage, 2,184 for Rent-To-Own and 3,039 for Instalment payment.”

Dangiwa recalled that in April, the ministry released the first batch of offer of new provisional allocation letters for outright payment to successful applicants.

He said that under phase one of the renewed hope housing scheme, 50,000 housing units would be delivered across Nigeria adding that the cities would have 1,000 housing units per site in one location in each of the six geo-political zones and the FCT.

He said that the estates would have 500 housing units per site in the remaining 30 states.

He said that the ministry recently launched an online housing portal to ease the process of acquiring homes being built under the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme.

According to Dangiwa, the target is to strengthen the federal government’s urban and slum upgrading programs aimed at improving living conditions, infrastructure, and basic services in informal settlements.

He said that under the phase one of the slum upgrading pr
ogramme, the ministry planned 26 sites nationwide.

‘This includes four sites in each of the six regions of the country totaling 24 and two in the FCT.

‘The key services to be provided at the identified sites will include water supply, solar streetlights, rehabilitation of access roads, construction of drainages and waste management and sanitation services among others,” he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Construction of 50,000 housing units to create 1.2m jobs – FG

The Federal Government has said that the construction of 50,000 housing units under phase one of the Renewed Hope Housing Cities and Estates will create over 1.2 million direct and indirect jobs.

The Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Ahmed Dangiwa, made this known on Friday in Abuja, at the ministerial briefing on the performance of President Bola Tinubu’s administration in the last one year.

Dangiwa said that the job creation was in addition to the value chain effects of the purchase and supply of building materials, as well as businesses around the construction sites among others.

He explained that the ministry’s vision was to create an efficient housing market where all Nigerians would have the right to a secured, decent, and affordable home as a platform for active participation in economic development.

Dangiwa added that the ministry’s overall strategic action plan was centred on the three core pillars of the Tinubu Renewed Hope Agenda.

He said that the ministry had achieved some major mile
stones in housing in the last one year like the planning and actualisation of the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Development Programme inaugurated by President Bola Tinubu earlier this year.

According to him, the Renewed Hope Housing Programme is designed to be a catalyst for economic growth, adding that the construction and development of the new areas will generate employment opportunities, stimulate local businesses, and attract investments.

‘From the ministry’s 2024 approved budget, we are also rolling out another batch of Renewed Hope Estates of semi-detached bungalows.

‘To enhance affordability and ease of off take, we used organic designs where one bedroom can be expanded to two-bedrooms and three-bedrooms as the income of beneficiaries increase over time,” he added.

Dangiwa further said that the programme aimed to address social inequality by providing a broad range of affordable ownership options.

He said this included single digit and up to 30 years mortgage loans to be provided by the Federa
l Mortgage Bank of Nigeria.

He said that the other programme included rent-to-own options where beneficiaries could move in and pay towards homeownership in monthly, quarterly, or annual instalments and outright purchase for high income earners.

He disclosed that the government approved the total sum of N126.5 billion from the 2023 supplementary and 2024 budget for the projects including slum upgrade and urban renewal.

The minister explained that the ministry currently had estates in 12 states and three cities nationwide namely Katsina, Yobe, Gombe, Abia, Nasarawa, Benue, Akwa Ibom, Delta, Sokoto, Oyo, Osun, Abuja, Yobe and Lagos..

He revealed that contractors had been mobilised and commenced work to deliver 3,500 units, adding that an MoU had been signed with reputable developers to build 100,000 housing units nationwide.

‘Work has commenced for 3,112 housing units under this public-private-partnership bringing the total number of housing units currently under construction to 6,612’, he said.

News Agency of Nigeria