Nonagenarian tasks youths on apprenticeship as NAN staff buries father

A nonagenarian, Chief Gabriel Onwugbenu, has advised the youths to enroll in Igbo apprenticeship scheme (Igba Boi), a programme of the Anambra Government and shun the get-rich-quick syndrome.

Onwugbenu, 91, gave the advice in Nnewi, the industrial hub of Anambra during the burial of Chief Michael Anosike, father to Mrs Patricia Amogu, a staff member of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

According to him, Igbo apprenticeship scheme is a sure means of self-reliance.

The nonagenarian, who mentored the late Anosike, a renown auto spare parts mogul, said there was a need to invent the values of patience, industry, hardwork and mentoring in the quest for wealth.

He said the deceased was diligent during apprenticeship and later became a creator of wealth and employer of labour.

‘The advantage of learning a trade is that on graduation, you become an employer of labour aside from being self reliant and making the money therein,’ he stated.

On his part, Chief Louis Onwugbenu, chairman/CEO, Louis Carter Group, said
the news of the demise of Anosike was a rude shock to him and members of his foundation.

Onwugbenu said the late Anosike had supported his foundation since it was founded 10 years ago.

‘His donation and support are gestures of his personality and character, we will miss him,’ he said.

No fewer than 25 Catholic priests from across Nigeria led by Very Revd. Fr Augustine Nwosu, joined to celebrate the burial mass at Our Lady of Assumption Cathedral, Nnewi.

In his homily, Rev. Fr Prof. Ignatius Obinwa, encouraged humanity to continue to live in harmony and do good to one another as there was hope of eternal bliss in heaven hereafter.

Obinwa, who read from the books of Isaiah 25: 6-9; Rev. 14:3 and John 14: 1-6 said though God was not seen or touched, he existed and all his promises were true.

He said only good deeds while alive were the ladder that could take anyone to heaven as nobody took anything with him or her from the earth at death.

‘We pray that the good Lord will bless his good works, forgive him
his sins and bring him to eternal life in paradise,’ he said.

In a remark, the daughter of the deceased, Mrs Patricia Amogu, a Principal Correspondent of NAN, appreciated the priests, knights and ladies of St John’s International as well as friends who joined the family at their time of grief.

She said the death of their patriarch was a huge loss to the family but thanked God for the impactful life he led while expressing faith that his soul would find favour with the Lord.

‘My father was a humanitarian, he lived selflessly, he was a dedicated Catholic and he touched humanity, we will miss him.

‘Knowing a man like my father did not just make me see life from a broader, and clear perspective; it changed everything about me,’ she said.

Pa Anosike, an auto spare parts mogul, was born 81 years ago to the family of Mr and Mrs Julius Anosike from Umuogeli-Okpunoezi, Abubor in Nnewichi, Nnewi.

He started his early education at St Peter Claver Catholic School, Nnewichi and graduated from the Kentist School of B
usiness Management and Administration, London.

He was survived by his wife, four sons and five daughters.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

FCTA assures 2024 intending hajj pilgrims improved welfare

The Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) has assured the 2024 intending pilgrims to Saudi Area from the territory of improved welfare, throughout the Hajj exercise.

The FCT Minister of State, Dr Mariya Mahmoud, gave the assurance, while bidding farewell to the intending pilgrims at the FCT Hajj Camp in Bassa Jiwa, Abuja on Tuesday.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria is expected to begin airlifting the intending pilgrims from FCT on Wednesday, May 15, to Saudi Arabia.

Mahmoud said that FCTA and the FCT Muslim Pilgrims’ Welfare Board have taken proactive measures to ensure adequate welfare for the intending pilgrims throughout the exercise.

She expressed confidence that the 2024 FCT Hajj operation would be better than the previous ones.

‘To ensure success in the operation, the FCT Administration was proactive in ensuring that all the intending pilgrims complied with relevant policies to participate in the spiritual journey.

‘The Administration
has successfully concluded all necessary arrangements for the welfare of our contingent to the Holy Land.

‘In fact, the early preparations for this year’s Hajj demonstrate our commitment towards recording a hitch-free exercise,’ she said.

She urged the intending pilgrims to pray for the unity and progress of the country, with particular attention to the nation’s leaders for Allah’s guidance.

‘I urge you all to remember that our country is passing through some economic and security challenges, which require your prayers for our country to remain united in spite of our differences.

‘Pray for the peaceful coexistence of our dear nation in support of President Bola Tinubu-led administration in line with his ‘Renewed Hope’ agenda,’ Mahmoud pleaded.

The minister further urged the intending pilgrims to be good ambassadors of the FCT and Nigeria by abiding with all the newly introduced policies by the Saudi authorities for the 2024 exercise.

She identified some of the new policies as movement in groups, transpo
rtation policy, luggage policy, feeding arrangements, timetable for religious activities, and other policies issued by all relevant authorities.

‘Remember that these policies were introduced in your own interest to enable you to perform your religious obligations at ease,’ she said.

Earlier, the Director, FCT Muslim Pilgrims’ Welfare Board, Malam Abubakar Evuti, said that the Board had a total of 2,977 intending pilgrims for the 2024 Hajj exercise.

Evuti said that experienced and committed officials were mobilised for the operation to ensure optimum service delivery for the pilgrims during the exercise.

He, however, warned against any act of indiscipline, adding the official found wanting would be penalised.

He also advised the intending pilgrims to be law abiding, patient, avoid reckless spending and avoid rumour mongering.

One of the intending pilgrims, Mohammed Habib, who is going to Hajj for the first time, expressed confidence for a hitch-free exercise.

The visibly excited Habib said he was satisf
ied with all the preparation processes, which he described as impressive.

‘I am overwhelmed and very excited because the preparations exceeded my expectations. So, I am looking forward to a fulfilling and hitch-free Hajj exercise,’ he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

FM Taye Says Ethiopia Values Vibrant Relations with Canada

Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Taye Atske-Selassie conferred with the Minister of International Development of Canada, Ahmed Hussen on Monday.

On the occasion, ambassador Taye stated that Ethiopia values its longstanding and vibrant relationship with Canada.

The two sides discussed a variety of topics, including areas of cooperation in the DDR process and addressing regional issues of common concern, according to Foreign Affairs Ministry.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Deputy PM Temesgen Arrives in Azerbaijan

Addis Ababa: Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh has arrived in Azerbaijan for a working visit.

During his stay in Azerbaijan the Deputy Prime Minister is expected to discuss on bilateral issues with a view to bolster the long standing relations of Ethiopia and Azerbaijan.

The two sides will also sign agreements to enhance cooperation on various fiends, DPM Temesgen indicated on his social media.

Temesgen has extended gratitude for the warm welcome extended to him upon arrival in Azerbaijan.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia, Azerbaijan Sign MoU to Work Together in Areas of Public Service and Innovation

Addis Ababa: Deputy Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Temesgen Tiruneh paid an official visit to the Republic of Azerbaijan today.

He was warmly welcomed by higher government officials upon his arrival to Azerbaijan.

During the visit, Temesgen met with Ulvi Mehdiyev, the Chairman of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SAPSSI) .

On the occasion the two discussed on the provision of quick service through digital means that has great importance for Ethiopia to benchmark the experience.

Moreover, MoU was signed between Ethiopia Civil Service Commission and SAPSSI that enable the two countries to collaborate and work together in the area of public service and innovation.

Furthermore, the delegation visited ASAN Head Quarter and Centers that provide a one stop service for over 15 Ministries under the supervision and management of ASAN

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiosat Service, Accessibility Growing Steadily

Addis Ababa: The service and accessibility of Ethiosat, an Ethiopian communication satellite platform that provides satellite services to television channels for Ethiopian audience, is growing steadily, Ethiopian Media Authority disclosed.

The Ethiosat Company conducted a workshop in Addis Ababa today with its customers and partners to discuss on the development of the industry.

Ethiopian Media Authority Director-General Mohammed Edris said that Ethiosat currently hosts more than 70 religious, commercial, public and other local television channels.

The accessibility of Ethiosat is currently high, he said, adding it is necessary to identify the issues that need to be strengthened in the future by evaluating the progress so far made.

He reiterated that the authority will support and cooperate with this effort.

Deputy Director of Ethiopian Space Science and Geospatial Institute, Bethlehem Niguse said Ethiosat has been contributing in reducing the high costs that had been paid for foreign satellite service p
roviders. It has also helped the country to preserving the culture of the nation.

Moreover, she elaborated that Ethiopia is working to have its own communication satellite.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency